WoW - Numbers don't lie - Bellular

Yeah, just have to wait and see unfortunately.

I wish youtube would stop trying to push reaction videos on me when I haven’t ever watched a streamer and the most I ever do is look up “where the heck is this NPC” videos.

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And here i went to school like a sucker. Damn.

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:woman_shrugging:t2: I don’t disagree but just don’t click on them lol

Well D2 will sell millions of copies. There is a lot of talk in my friends circle, many who have not played D3 or WoW in years. I have a feeling this will turn Q4 around for them.

It ain’t as popular but where does it sit in the mmo market. What they gonna do when it gets as low as every mmo. Only reason streamers mad cause there free cash cow to dumb to make a game myself so I use blizz to live fell a little bit.

So easy to avoid topics you aren’t interested in, yet here you are. Meanwhile, there are dozens of topics I’m not interested in on the first page of the forums
and I’m not in them.


My IRL friend and I are going to be buying it. We were teenagers playing on Pentium 2 computers when it came out.

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You are delusional if you are even entertaining the idea that SL or wow may have a ‘last expansion’ even in the near future. You should stay in classic-anything 'cause you clearly won’t ever like anything retail.

Who is ‘we’.
And only naive teenagers who weren’t exposed to the real world think Blizzard losing a lot of money will somehow coincide with them magically making an expansion that you somehow magically like because they only cater to your needs and wants.

I don’t think you know what ‘facts’ means.


That particular video was more about data than thoughts.

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All I’m saying is that if people agree with the streamers, that’s cool. But I find it weird to create a post just to bump someone else’s opinion instead of expanding with your own thoughts and ideas.

Imagine being so brainwashed by a billion dollar company that hard statistics trigger you, because they dont reinforce your echo chamber.


After so many people posting Bellular, I’ll be really honest: I didn’t even click on the video :woozy_face:

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 belluliar “data” comes from warcraftlogs for raiding and m+. what a champ

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But before we get into that today, lets talk about Nord VPN


Yeah you clearly don’t listen to anything he says. You’re clearly the hate peddler lmao


Nah dawg, they like ending series that brings in hundred of millions a year and hundreds of million more in box sales every 2 years.

Of course this is the company that cancelled the 2nd D3 xpac before the 1st one became the best selling video game of all time (at the time), so who knows maybe they don’t like money.


People like you are so triggered he makes more talking for 20 minutes in a wow video than you do working 80 hours at whatever crap job you work
 assuming of course you do work


I guess someone could just plagiarize his work. Pretty sure they allow links on the forums for a reason though. It’s pretty straightforward info, not a lot of opinion involved.

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Honestly,the games not dead and the numbers are just a report on how many people play the game.Really, nothing to argue here.