WOW needs more diversity


best answer.

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Believe me, I know! My grandparents – who are the most amazing and supportive people in the world and the only family I actually kept after coming out, so I hate using them as the example here – often told me, to paraphrase, “what a waste” because I wouldn’t be passing on my genetics.

I know they meant it as a compliment, but it hurts in a way that can’t easily be explained. You have to be me, or someone in my situation, to actually get why a comment like that stings.

I have a story. This happened around 5 to 6 years ago. I was still in the closet. While talking to a psychiatrist I was so stressed about coming out that I instead lied about being suicidal. THAT was the easier alternative than telling the truth in my stressed out mind.

Well one forced 24 hour stay in a psych ward later I came out to my Mom who thankfully kept it a secret from my grandma. After a unrelated fight with Grandma where she hit me my Mom had enough and took me to live in an apartment away from her.

One of the last things grandma said to me was that I hoped she knew she loved me. In that fake “About to cry” voice narcissists do. I just told her “You don’t HIT people you love”

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No, they are not Ok. You are advocating the death of our species with statements like this. Think about it more.

You are also wishing on others all that life time of hate and pain, just because you want to fulfill unnatural desires?

To put this in a question

Do you think the death of us as a species is worth your sexual appetite?

You’re literally imagining this scenario. This has absolutely no context in reality. The ostracization you’re promoting does.


I demand pics of the puppy! You can’t say get you a puppy and not put pics of said puppy.

tips hat It is the best way to live.

Swap toons. The likegate is not shared between them! We can like if we want to, we can leave our mains behind, cause your alts don’t like and if they don’t like, well they’re no alts of mine!

Yes, it’s hard. I can understand her side but I’m with you. There can’t be real love if she forced you to live the way SHE wanted.

Love means putting others first, and she wasn’t doing that. But, in her own twisted way, she did believe she loved you (and your mother), and she believed she was justified.

Welp, our scars make us strong. Just like Illidan said in Legion…

Hehe well this was years ago.

She was the type to screech and demand respect but she gave NONE to me and my Mom in return.

Man and ya’ll wonder why I ended up a satanist lol. We believe in not wasting kindness on people that don’t deserve it.

I unironically love that line for that reason. My left arm has quite a few scars on it from past self harming ( before folks panic, I’m better. These are old scars )

If our species ever dies, it’ll be because one group of people hated another enough to start a never ending war; it will not be because two people, regardless of their gender, loved one another.

But… keep living in your delusions. There are pills for that.


I mean folks used to let aids patients freaking suffer and die so we lost practically a whole generation to that soooooo

That’s not even a good comparison at all that has nothing to do with LGBT stuff . LGBT stuff is different and really isn’t needed and that’s coming from a LGBT person as myself .

how is it different? Explain why is it less deserving?

Wholeheartedly agree. If I didn’t live by sarcasm, generally speaking, I would go insane and well…that isn’t an over exaggeration.

Actually it does, let me explain, i want to make sure you understand how cultures exist in this world (so if you know, that is fine read on)

In order for a culture to exist in this world, it needs to produce 1.6 children per a family. If the population drops below this rate, the culture will cease to exist, usually with in 100-200 years.

Most of Europe is experiencing this. You can see how londan is now largely Pakistani, or how the southern united states is now mainly Mexican. the dominate culture (IE the one that has more children) absorbs and destroys the smaller.

In our country (Usa) the size of the lg+ community is about 4.5% of the population of the country, around 19 million people.
This value grows about 3.6% per a year. In 100 years (two generations), the population will grow far beyond this, and as the ideology spreads, will grow faster possibly making up 10, or 15% of our total population.

How long until it gets to 20, or 25%?

Do you know that usa’s reproduction is just over the sustainability amount (1.7) ? with a hit of 10, or 20% of its population not reproducing, it will lead to the downfall of america, and its way of life, its thinking, its morels, and all it does. This is a massive hit to the world, we (claim) to protect, keep some stability in, and help (through financial support).

So my friend, it is very, very important topic. Not only does our country and depend on its decision regarding it, the world depends on us through that decision (as it depends on us to exist itself).

I couldn’t agree more.

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What in the world is this nonsense ? :thinking:
What are you even trying to say ? Where did this even come from ???
It makes zero sense .


Well there’s also my tattoos. The pain from those worked as a sort of “reset” button for my brain if I was stressed.

Seriously I have a xenomorph and yautja on my shoulder blades and that freaking alien hurt so bad I NAMED IT. 8 hours of work for each tattoo. I’m quite small too so being able to handle the pain was oddly uplifting.

I honestly think you need a psychiatrist. Just, professional opinion.


It’s not that big of an issue 🤷 there is not that many LGBT people that would ever make it that way . Tin foil hat much ?

Also gay people can still reproduce. Being gay doesn’t make someone not fertile. The process of baby making just won’t be as fun. But it’s possible.

We don’t need to worry about the population anyway. We’re prob the only species that is endangered simply because there’s too many of us.