Who I’m sure knew a lot about science because he got his doctorate degree reading one book that SOMEONE ELSE wrote, instead of collecting evidence from the real world.
So ‘mature’, so condescending. So… idiotic.
Who I’m sure knew a lot about science because he got his doctorate degree reading one book that SOMEONE ELSE wrote, instead of collecting evidence from the real world.
So ‘mature’, so condescending. So… idiotic.
Did i say i wish for your death? No, certainly i did not, nor do i wish you harm. I am only pointing out that you should keep your life style private.
Good night, everyone. I’ll just let the world continue as it is. It’s no longer my problem.
Meanwhile straight people have had their “agenda” shoved in my face for 30 years of my life.
Seriously both my grandma and my mom put peer pressure on me to have a baby when I’m a trans dude
Good night. I’m just going to stay in here and watch from the side lines and ask questions every once and a while.
You don’t have any evidence. And you are telling people how to live their life.
Keep your delusions to yourself and your prayers.
it doesn’t, and LGBT people are not a token to play with it.
You believe that we should be killed, but you don’t wish… See the contradiction right there?
Oh, and at least those are the ones that love you! I don’t even want to think of the nutjobs who hate you just for existing.
Well there’s a reason I don’t plan on talking to my grandma ever again. She doesn’t know what I am and I’m just waiting til she dies. ( Trust me this woman is not deserving of mercy )
It’s also been 5 years and mom still dead names me and calls me her / she. “It’s hard to change this habit” she says as she never tries so she stays in that “habit” -_-
Because the fact that opinions like this run rampant in backward places and are used to actually kill people wanting to live their lives according to their very own nature shouldn’t be a thing. At all. You claim it’s LGBT+ people involving themselves in your life. You cannot even begin to fathom how far it is in the opposite direction. Or maybe you can and you’re just indifferent/supportive of it.
Also on this point: Why does it have to benefit anyone at all? People exercising their freedom to express themselves and act with one another in a consensual manner doesn’t have to benefit anyone else but themselves.
So, you’re implying that free expression will eradicate the cultures which sanction discriminating against those that are LGBT+. Downside is…?
Except I have yet to see one example ever of a society being “destroyed” simply for allowing LGBT+ people to exist and express themselves freely. I can surely name you some that have been destroyed by such dogmas you are touting, however.
And let that “punishment” be administered by said imaginary friend and let people be as they wish.
I wolf you for trying (see what I did there? lol), but if he doesn’t see the contradictions in the Quran, he’s not gonna see them in his own poorly constructed argument.
I wish we as a species would mature, that our way of thinking would mature. The problem is we are an emotional species, and that often clouds mature conversation about what is better for us, or in this case for wow.
I dream of a day where we can respect each other, or at least tolerate each other. I dream of a day where we wake up and stop judging others for the way the look, for what clothes they have on, or what they love to do. I dream of a world where we stop oppressing each other for greed, allowing children to crawl miles over 120 degree sand for a chance at a pound of rice.
Our species has a very long way to go.
In the mean time, I wish to impart you on you deep, extremely high level of wisdom.
The reason that people hate this act, is because the creator hates it, and those who love him, hate with him. so in essence, there is angels, and people, and animals hating those who commit this act, while you are unware, and ever is he the most high aware of who he hates and does not.
This is something you, and everyone in the world will never be able to change. No law will ever change this, because you do not have the power to reject the hate he has for this act.
It is said "when a man mounts a man, the throne of the most high shakes in anger and continues to shake until the angels begin to recite (repeatedly) “glory be to thee, the most high, the most merciful” until the anger subsides.
I promise you, you will never, ever be able to change this truth. not in a million, million existences of this universe and all the times they have. When a decree is made, it is done.
So my point here is even if you wish to put aside all of the above, just know this is part of who we are as a species. Something unseen is driving us to be this way. You can call it God and his will, or you can say its something biologically in us.
If you defer to the latter, you have examples of this deep carnal position in nature. Mother cats eat their children and we do not know why, something in them told them to do that, just as something in mankind tells them to hate this act. I believe its the unseen decree of the most high, you are left to believe what you want.
Imma stop you right there. If God created me, he would WANT me to be this way.
Context, a character in this show has an aids scare so he prays to god that he’s clean. When he’s clean he tries to be religious and straight.
meh, give her some credit. A lot of it is wishful thinking and her own self-made expectations when she had you. It’s often hard for parents to let go of their dream for their child and let the child actually have a dream of their own. It’s even more difficult when it comes to identity, like in your case.
I hope it all works out in the end. But, I understand, it takes a toll on you.
Just, the best thing you can do is make sure you don’t make the same mistakes on someone else you care about. Best of luck
you speak to god? I mean, he tells you what he likes and what he doesn’t to your ear. Like, you literally hear him?
I’m curious.
You speak of dreaming of a day when “we” can respect each other, yet you call people out for having a different preference than you as being perverted, immoral…and you toss out this line…
and you still want people to take you seriously that you are genuine in the things you have spewed here?
It’s just the usual appeal to irrationality. Religion is like the drain stopper for any explanation that cannot be done tangibly in the actual world. It’s very nifty, too; use it to clog up those pesky holes holding you accountable for your actions and take the high ground! Order now and judge others for simply living as themselves, then claim victimhood and that it’s not actually you that should be held accountable because your fairy tale book author is actually the one that said you should!
He does not. You made this choice. This requires a very long and complex conversation about destiny and free will, i will keep it simple.
When the children of adam do something, they progress in a direction, be it good or evil. the one who does one of the two acts progressed onward in a direction, and that direction becomes easier and more natural to them over time.
you made some choice that is directly related, or indirectly related to this position, and were lead in its direction. You can reverse this by taking steps away from it with the intention of pleasing the most high, and by his leave it will be removed.
We, the children of adam have our lives, and we can reverse any negative action, or positive action up until the point where people gargle the fluids in their body as the soul leaves it. the problem is we do not know when that is, so only those truly carrying of the results they will get will do anything about it.
The wisdom of the most high is far, far beyond what we have. he knows us better then we know ourselves, and comparing that to a movie with a destined path is not at all accurate.
It is said by our prophet
“some people will live their entire lives doing good and just before they die, they will turn toward evil, making them evil in this world and the next, and some will do evil all of their lives, and near their death turn to good, and be blessed in this world and the next”.
Our fate, our destiny is complex, deep, easy to understand, but the hardest pill to swallow. We have only one choice, accept it and submit, or reject it, and live it out for verily we cannot change it.
If I have misunderstood you in what you have stated, then please accept my apologies, but it seemed as though you were here mocking just as others have in this thread. It’s rather annoying.