Its time for a Netflix adaptation
The goal of any product is to be as appealing as possible to as many people as possible.
Why add something in that is so niche to appease a very tiny portion of the player base at the risk of alienating a much larger portion of the player base? Especially something that contributes very little if anything to the grand scheme of the game’s theme.
I don’t think most people really even assume they’re straight, they just don’t think about it. We’re always in some form of war in this universe, too busy trying to survive and defeating whatever evil has appeared.
But the fourth war is over, it’s the age of boomers now. Make love, not war.
Master Mathias Shaw: There is someone I would like to… get to know better. But such things are best taken slowly. Carefully.
Also Flynn/Shaw ship inc.
Why did I just have a mental image of her blowing kisses and him dodging them like it’s the matrix? And why can I not have the skills to actually make a video of said mental image…
wow this post is still here…
Lavender, Green, Blue, and Turquoise? Don’t we have those already?
I haven’t watch the UK version but…
Sense8 > Queer as folk
Void elves didn’t have to be in-game either, but…
Everyone has different taste and things they want in a roleplaying game. To some it might be a whole race of emo people; to others it might be a couple of important lore characters that are LGBT.
Oh this thread is still going.
To me it’s not diversity that matters, it’s inclusion.
What I mean by that is that rather than having a criteria like you are gay, lesbian, queer or whatever else, that you feel included in participating and free to embrace your uniqueness and feel that whatever your personal issues are, you still belong. I mean so many people feel they have to fake it to make it, and I don’t think that’s right, what’s needed is for everyone to be respected for the unique people they are.
I just find it easier to focus on unique people. Thoughts on that?
Cuz that’s basic story telling.
Dude we’re not THAT minor
Also seeing us as just a percentage is dehumanizing as heck
I can’t help it that was like. The first show I actually felt real emotions with regarding my sexuality. Sense8 came off a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit strong which is silly I know since there’s a VERY detailed sex scene in the first episode of QaF lol.
This thread kekw
I watched the American version then watched the UK version, and I liked them both (although, being American and seeing that one first, plus I absolutely adored Brian…I’m partial to the US version). QoF is just a fantastic show in any country.
I never watched Sense8. I wasn’t into the premise of the show and just never got the urge to check it out.
That’s the thing though, you can treat everyone the same with love and respect but in the end if you don’t support what they do under the covers…you’re still a bigot. To many lgbt supporters if there is absolutely anything you’re not willing to accept then you’re a hateful terrible person.
Just stop.
But why would it matter whether I consider what they are doing immoral or against God or not? That’s not going to stop them from doing what they do.
Also folks aren’t asking for like. A sex scene so I dunno why ya’ll still bringing this up.
Well that’s what I am saying, how someone acts in the bedroom has nothing to do with whether they are good at their job, good at raiding, and other things
I know. It should not matter what someone else thinks so long as they are not trying to demoralize them. You have to accept that not everyone works off of the same moral system.

Also folks aren’t asking for like. A sex scene so I dunno why ya’ll still bringing this up.
Because this topic has hit over 1200 replies and the conversation has strayed a bit.