Over the years, I’ve become less comfortable with moral relativism. It has too many problematic implications.
For instance, you might tell yourself that ‘cruelty for its own sake is wrong,’ or ‘torturing people purely for fun is wrong’, but the problem with just shrugging off that people have different moral values, is that is truly a moral relativist would reject both claims…but let me ask you this, why are controversial issues like abortion and so on given airtime on TV/youtube and all the rest of it, but the simple notion that parents should look after their children is not something we ever see? Could it be that this is simply a universal moral that transcends the grey areas of life?
You’re going to tap into something much larger with this question. And I my brain can’t get into this atm because I’m at work.
In short there is no moral relativism in my view, only God. So when I say different moral system I mean to say that not everyone is a believer and so their idea of moral is a bit different then mine.
I don’t know how morals can be anything but subjective. Different cultures have different taboos and unless you’re positing some worldwide government complete with Thought Police™ that’s never going to change.
Morality=/=legality and morality can’t be legislated.
That’s not what I’m saying that’s the right reason to want someone for job.
But if you think everyone in the modern workforce is fair and just you are really kidding yourself, gossip is rife, there are male managers firing girls for not sleeping with them, ageism is also a thing let’s be honest nobody cares about Taylor Swift anymore because they committee the cardinal sin of getting old, it’s just like how Kim Kardashian replaced Paris Hilton,
If we think that humans sinful nature to not discriminate is not a thing, think again. How do I know this because I strive to treat everyone in my guild with respect and as equals but I often fail at it and that’s someone who is actually trying
Well that’s because to some people they are only interested in what parts you have as what happens when the desire of the flesh takes over so they are just interesed in certain extra curricular activities that I can’t mention on the forum
This is how I feel about it. I don’t want it to just be a PR stunt, and implemented just cuz. I don’t want to go to a quest giver and see “Grab 10 bear pelts… Oh by the way im gay.”
Why’s everyone hung up on queer people either being sex freaks or just annoying about their queerness, its like they have a vested personal interest in spreading harmful stereotypes or something
Then again, we could have perfectly reasonable quest text like “Get me and my husband 5 mammoth hides for the winter” from a male NPC and get similar people crying about it
Please tell me how a world with races as different as mechagnome and orc is not enough diversity for someone who has only ever seen different customisations of the same basic race.
Perhaps diversity isn’t the issue here. I get that diversity is good, but people who use it as an excuse to force-paste their face into at least X% of the game world aren’t.
I know most the LGBT crowd is not like this but…
Two things.
One is when the gay community has events like parades and you see a bunch of men wearing black leather female “attire” with whips in their hands and twerking the air…these things have absolutely contributed to the horny image that they have gotten.
The other is actual act of gay sex imo. I think some are just turned off by it and to some it’s honestly a perversion.
Again I’m not judging here but that’s why I think people see the gay community the way they do.
Some people wanna escape the B.S. of the real world and just wanna relax for a couple of hours and play a game, killing monsters, crafting gear, and doing game content. No need to ruin it with everyone dragging the real life problems and drama into WOW.
The SJW White Knights are doing their best to keep this thread going.
Yeah my friends couldn’t see the connection between those characters, their reaction was always “oooohh orgies” or “omg I saw his d! why did they show his d?!” because it’s still something taboo in where I’m from.
And some people just say it’s boring because there’s not a lot going on in season one, which I think it’s fine for character development.