Wow… I only brought one box of before…
I think this thread needs and any other food item you want to bring along…
Wow… I only brought one box of before…
I think this thread needs and any other food item you want to bring along…
Again it’s not the individual I find distasteful but I’m not going to keep repeating myself. And no I am not backing down about anything I said. But best to ya…
And the game is rated t for teen. If you’re that concerned there’s plenty of straight sexuality in the game. Being gay is not some rated r crap.
Before this nobody says anything when I say I like Jacob more but nowadays everyone keeps calling me a furry everytime the topic of werewolf or worgen came up… I’m so out of touch with modern culture…
I don’t honestly care if characters Blizzard creates, or adds story to, are straight, gay, bi or pan sexual, trans, or into cross-race relationships. I don’t care if those relationships are brought to the forefront if its relevant to the story arc of the game.
I do care if it’s done solely for the sake of doing it, and shoehorning it into a story where sexuality is absolutely not relevant, because that has nothing to do with Warcraft and everything to do with forced diversity for its own sake.
One of the best shows ever made! Loved, LOVED, LOVED!! it.
Just had to say that.
I think diversity is fine in the real world bringing it into the fantasy world should feel natural and not seem forced people play games to escape the real world cause rl sucks not live rl. but what do I know my alliance mains are all on Proudmoore and I like it there. at least once i shut down trade chat.
This thread is full of
I think most people would agree with that statement. What’s different is what each person considers forced or not.
I think Anduin / Wrathion does not feel forced. They have a lot of buildup, shared pain, and emotional reliance on one another. AT this point, I feel like they could go either way, as best friends, or as something more (or both, because the best relationships are those with a strong friendship base).
But to you, that is forced.
I would find “forced” if they added two new characters out of nowhere, with no background whatsoever, and made them an LGBT couple. It’d feel like tokenism.
Hang on, let me get a little deeper into this.
No, I don’t think Wranduin is forced from an LGBT perspective. I think that relationship makes no sense whatsoever in a “You knocked me out, freed Garrosh, and started the chain of events that led to my father’s death…stop acting like we’re cool” perspective that was solidified by a full body-weight behind it right cross to emphasize the point.
Might they come back around to being friends? Possible although that level of forgiveness is something I attribute to saints and not normal people. Romance after that? I can’t make it work from any angle. Could you be romantically attached to someone you quite reasonably held responsible for the horrific death of your father?
We’re going to have to agree to disagree here, Wyvern. Our differences on this specific example are too great to find a middle ground.
fair; you are entitled to your opinion. Just, the way I see it, real love is getting used to the bad to the point that you find it charming. Seeing only good in your love interest is called infatuation.
BTW, I knew there was like a quote or saying about this so I googled it: “Infatuation is when you find someone absolutely perfect. Love is when you realize they aren’t perfect, and it doesn’t matter.”
No worries. This kind of thing has always been kind of a sensitive subject for either side.
What makes LGBT couple inherently sexual, but straight couples not? This is not what I am saying, at all, stop trying to twist my words.
What I said is that going out of their way to introduce us to the sexuality of the multiple characters in the narrative when it’s irrelevant to the plot/story is sexualizing the game. This is the same for “straight”, LGBT or whatever type of couples.
Most characters don’t have their sexuality well described or explained to us simply because it’s irrelevant to the story not sure why people are assuming they are all straight, they could have all sorts of different sexual definitions/orientations.
Out the very few cases where the plot is indeed driven by love or some romantic interest I agree that the main storylines have “straight” couples, but there are some indications of different interests in a few side-quests and secondary characters here and there.
Emmett is love Emmett is life
It doesn’t need to be ingame tho , that doesn’t make anyone homophobic at all
Eh…it’s still stupid blizz has been lazy with that kinda thing. But that’s just me.
Here’s a question. Why does a fake world have to be a mirror of the real world?
OP, are you assuming their gender identity? Isn’t that anti-LGBTW+?