WOW needs more diversity

you are bad person because you are hypocritical. You say you don’t judge others and accept everyone, and then do exactly the opposite: judge others and not accept them.

You are also dismissive of other people struggles just because you have not lived such struggles. Your empathy level is very low, probably due to privilege, but you pretend to be empathetic.

Being two-faced is universally considered unethical.

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Nice. I love these kinds of threads. They’re usually full of Fascists calling other people Fascist.


Freeing Garrosh is literally…not figuratively…the trigger for the series of events that gets Varian killed.

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And we can link anything that happened before it to varians death.

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Yes, you can link anything you want to imagine to anything else you want to imagine. The difference is whether or not that linkage actually has demonstrable validity.

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might as well blame Thrall for making him warchief in the first place.

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You get where I’m going with this right? I like to think Anduin is smart enough to know this. ( I mean if I wrote him I’d have him know that )

First off you don’t know anything about me so don’t act like you know my struggles.
Second you didn’t answer my question.
Third I have not been hypocritical in the least. I made it very clear that I do not dislike anyone personally but disprove of gay sex. So again why would I have to accept what people do in the bedroom to be considered a good person?


How about you don’t bother replying if you’re not going to say anything of value or even address the question at hand…which was not for you anyway.

Buddy I’m trying to help you, don’t be rude. Because it seriously depends on how you say it

I don’t have to know you; I know what you have said. I don’t have to judge your entire life, I can judge what you are doing NOW.

Rahuon, it’s pointless responding to him. He seems like the type of guy who will never see reason. He’ll just continue to accuse people of being haters. That’s all they have.


Maiev Shadowsong was ABSOLUTELY in a Lesbian relationship with a Darnassian Huntress. But y’all ain’t ready to have that conversation.

Seriously though, LGBT representation in games is done best when its done subtly, believably and realistically.
It is almost always made cringy and terrible when pushed to the forefront, and shoved in everyone’s face.

A great example of this is Valtois and Stellagosa. Two female characters that clearly gave of flirtatious vibes, and that was all we needed.


Can you really blame some people being quick to see someone as hateful? I mean a LOT of dark stuff happened to lgbt folks in the not too far off past. Those wounds are still healing for some.

Sorry but you have lost this argument in every way.
Again I made it very clear that I don’t dislike anyone on a personal level. I especially don’t dislike people for who they have feelings for. But I do not have to like or approve of sexual actions. If that makes me a bad person then I’ll just have to be that.

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your actions do not match your words.

lol…what actions are you speaking of?

I already quoted you, not doing it again.

Can this pointless thread be 404’d already? Nothing good will come of this, ever.


That doesn’t sound like someone with Doctor in front of their name, and in psychology to boot, would say. In a clinical setting would you really make judgments about a person after 5 minutes of conversation where you have a vested interest in a viewpoint they oppose?