WOW needs more diversity

Yes bad news buddy, we’re not titan constructs.

Nice question. Let me explain… It’s because I’m chilling and semi-afk fishing in Uldum rn.

And I don’t have any real life friends to chat with because I don’t have any friend at all.

Except those with benefits, because you know, I’m not living in a basement and I’m not an incel. Nope.

it’s not about sexualizing anything, it’s about normalizing different types of love. What makes LGBT couple inherently sexual, but straight couples not? Why are we allowed to have cannon straight couples (even between different species), but not LGBT couples?

You r logic falls flat very quickly if you really think about it.

Whoa, this thread still exists?..

why do you need straight characters in a video game? Yet, we have them…

Do we? To be honest the amount of in game couples is extremely low. We have little proof since people want to play a rpg not a dating game.

extremely low is not zero; especially when those straight couples are so prominent in the story. There’s an entire questline in Valshara dedicated to Tyrande and Malfurion’s undying love for one another.

We can also have an “extremely low” number of LGBT couples just for the sake of variety.

looks a lot like this:

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no one said it was a slap

Read the name of the jpg you posted.

Further, people who expect someone to hook up with the person they blame for the death of their father are bringing some interesting relationship ideas to the party.

Next on Doctor Phil; I’m dating the man who got my father killed.

My comment was aimed more at places that are homophobic like china. My apologies for the confusion. I was a little heated.

Oh, I searched specifically for “slap-slap-kiss” but just because the trope is called ‘slap’ doesn’t mean there has to be a literal slap. There’s no slapping in the .jpg, just yelling.

The actual trope is “argument > make up”.

That was mostly Nzoth making him say that.

Even then the dead dad angst is rather nice with those two

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Uh you said I was a bad person because I did not approve of gay sex…so let me ask again…

I find it interesting that you think I’m a bad person for not approving of gay sex. But what if I told you I didn’t agree with similar actions between a male and female? Would I still be a terrible person or do I need to have no boundaries to not be a bad person?

Depends on your wording honestly.

That’s nice headcannon, Rosenivy. The punch, perhaps. The fact that Wrathion’s actions are in fact a root cause of Varian’s death? Indisputable.

Yeah but that logic is dumb. You could look at ANYTHING that happened in the past and tie it to Varians death.

grabs popcorn