WOW needs more diversity

Hi. Have you used any of your report?

Either trolling on SJW tendencies I’d gather.

personally as I play this game I am not even in town to care who is playing doctor with whom really lol.

Buy my greys vendor. AH, repairs. Maybe spend a few minutes to do the fishing daily for the rare fishing poles if missing them.

that done…back to the wayward ways of a murder hobo. Please do tell me quest giver…whose life is only worth a few gold. ooh, this one’s life is worth 110 gold? consider them dead.

Go away … Don’t ruin my game the rest of the world already sucks!


Nah, they aren’t overweight… they’re just a little beefy.

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Why does this matter and why did 51 people actually like this post so far… This is a virtual game not your virtual fantasy of stuffing corny LGBT stories into a game just to appease you. How about i’m a vegan and i want there to be 0 animal killing option for me. So Blizzard should accommodate me by taking time and developers away from actual projects that progress the games direction in a gaming way.


I think it’s because OP asked nicely instead of demanding it? Might sound funny and meaningless to you but maybe people should try to discuss their view on the topic nicely like OP did? Shooting her down instantly isn’t going to convince her.


did you only read one of their posts?

many of their posts are flat out hate-filled, obnoxious and antagonistic.


Not sure which one you’re talking about… I’ll scroll back and read to refresh my memory when I have time, I’m too old.

She was asking about why are 51 people liking the post so I just read the first one.

this post is literal 4ids!!


Are you saying chili fries and Jesus are 4ids too? How dare you?

I mean the bible does mention that the entire world goes insane …

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Sorry actually I’m not Christian so I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but chili fries are my new religion.

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:nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

You gonna get crusaded by a hunter soon lol.

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here’s a quote you’ll remember for the rest of your life
“arguing with a fool only proves there are two”

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Nope no one is gonna decide what I do with my life so I’m not reading the rest of the sentence.

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Noooo anything from the real world should not swap into this game… Period … Why should we have to even fathom this being a possibility. The second they go outa there way to as something like this in… It’s a wrap its done kaput gg Ion might as well douse him and ip with gasoline… And set it ablaze lol


Yes I know, as I stated on my previous post big companies “supporting” LGBT only as a marketing move is bad. I also pointed out what Blizz did with tracer and censor.

What shocks me is that gay people had parents.

You gotta be super bored, cause if we agree then why did you reply to my rhetorical question!?