WOW needs more diversity

but if i come here to play the fantasy game that does not include our real world issues, what is even the point of me playing?


To be fair, Christianity has two main branches and several denominations, to the point where different types of Christians don’t agree on whose doctrine is absolutely right. You see Southern Baptists on the side of the road holding up their Bibles and yelling at passing cars to accept Jesus, and then there are non-denominational Protestants who are more laidback and would rather show than demand to non-believers what it means to be Christian, and if I’m not mistaken, aren’t Lutherans more focused on being saved by the Father rather than emphasizing the Son? And then there are Catholics who think everyone on that side of the Christian fence is doing it wrong.

For anyone on the outside looking in, Christianity (or at least its variety of followers) seems to be convoluted.


This isn’t rocket science everyone. And again I have to ask where exactly you draw the line if sapient cow and panda humanoids are easier for you to swallow than some of them happening to be some flavor of queer, like, you know, real people you meet every day can be.

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What value does this have? You need your hobbies to assure you of your identity where at best nobody cares and at worst some people find it uncomfortable?

Filling representation checkboxes is the worst way to lay down a structure to world building imo and you have a lesbian night elf couple from a crafting questline in legion iirc so that’s also a lie.

Also blizzard is on the diversity bandwagon. Have you seen overwatch? You don’t count the DIVERSITY of playable races this expansion? Why? Because some main character doesn’t outright say his/her preference? Get over yourself.

Feel free to play a pansexual agender death knight pandaren and see if anyone will stop you.

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No issue with LGBT characters… its just when it forced it feels unnatural and feels that Blizz doing it for the sake of checking boxes and the writing suffers.

As I said best way to have some is random NPC’s talking with a stay awhile and listen, two soldiers are stationed in Kul Tiras and are talking about what they would do after the war, and other random NPC interactions we see in cities like a Zandalari scoffing at Blood Elf tourists in Zuldazar.

That would be the best way rather than saying a character is LGBTQ for no other reason than to check a box. Like with Overwatch with Tracer it just came off as forced.

This is why irl TV shows are getting flack because they are writing characters as LGBTQ for the sake of checking diversity boxes and not having them go through an arc or realization. Or a random change in a later season for a character so they can virtue signal. Thats how you tank and ruin a show rather than have competent writing or introducing a new character with those qualities but actually contributes to the show as those qualities are apart of their personality.

There would be huge backlash if you made a main character like Lor’thamar trans etc to check boxes in diversity bingo, makes no sense and they are already a well established character.

Compared to the hinted relationship between Kathrin Proudmoore and Lady Ashvain where they grew close because they lost their husbands in war which is a better way to have an LGBT couple than it being forced for the sake of it.

Ya you gotta pay attention or you miss those things.

Also X-Men did a great job of diversity because of the universe it was set in, their powers make them look like freaks on the outside and have many parallels to those of the LGBT community in how they are attacked and treated by showing their more human side as we get to know them.

Did you know I didn’t find any banana flavored Nesquick on the shelf at the supermarket the other day? I demand equal representation for my Quick!

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I have a thing for overweight women… Where is the representation!!

Where are the ducks? Stop the war against the duck! Duck discrimination!



Kul Tiran Females are already in the game :rofl:


I don’t think those women want to be objectified

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imagine being non binary in wow :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

(can’t imagine bruh)


The sexual orientation/identification of the characters is mostly irrelevant for the different narratives making it pretty irrelevant for the plot/story too, no need to over-sexualize everything.

Besides, for the vast majority of NPCs they don’t actually tell you anything about their sexuality, they could very well be gay, LGBT, or whatever, it’s just not relevant to the story.


Maybe put a Peter Buttigieg npc as he’s the next president

i kind of find it more than a little creepy that people would even wonder about what pixel people with nothing under their garments get up to when we’re not watching.

however, i do understand the need for some relationships, especially if the story involves offspring.

i’m unsure if surrogacy or ivf exist in pixel land… and if it does, it shouldn’t.
azeroth already has a LOT of orphans

There’s one question that no Christian are able answer so far: My grandma and all my ancestors who lived in a secluded village, all of them never heard of the name Jesus before, are they all in hell now because they’re under the “influence” of satan? And how is that fair?

There might be only one “true” religion for you, but don’t forget about people on the other side of the world.

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Isn’t tauren a bit overweight compared to other races…?

It’s a good question, man, and honestly no one alive can give a 100% accurate answer, but different Christians will tell you different things. Some will say, “Yes, they’re in hell, it’s sad and unfortunate, but this is why we send out missionaries all around the world, to spread the word of God and to make sure we convert as many people as possible so they can be saved.” Others will say, “No, there is such a thing as purgatory for innocent people who died without being baptized or who didn’t know Jesus, so they are not in hell, they are in limbo.”

No one really knows. I grew up in a multi-denominational Christian family (Methodists, Presbyterians, Catholics, etc.) and none of them had the same answer for this kind of scenario. And you’re right, it wouldn’t be fair for people who never had the opportunity to hear about Christianity to just end up in eternal damnation after death.


This is an honest answer. Good to see others unashamed.

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Someone who doesn’t read the forum as often might come here and get offended about something and use all their reports here. I’m waiting for another 24 hours ban to happen lol.

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Why do you need gay characters in a video game? Is that literally the only way you can self insert?