WOW needs more diversity

repeating your same flawed argument doesn’t make it true.

Of course it does.

Games, Social Media, etc. are not anyone’s platform but their own. People need to stop acting as if they are. Get over it and create your own. I am tired of SJW agenda PC political BS being forced down people throats day in and day out. People want to have an escape. Get over it or build it yourself.


do you not see the irony of your comment? You are demanding something from other people: to stop talking about X or Y thing they care about.

Why is it ok for you to voice your opinion and “forcing down other’s throats” that you don’t want LGBT characters in a game, but it’s not ok for others to voice that they want them?

reason i play WoW is to get away from the freaks of today… can we not infect our beloved games?


And plays a panda…
But as a gay guy dont care ether way…but some are Passionate about it tho…both sides

oh boy… here we go!!

this thread is a dumpster fire… a fantasy mmo rpg doesn’t need any elements of real life in it… go fight your liberal agenda in real life


might as well remove humans, or swords, or trees, or buildings, or gravity… all those things are real.

Now that would be fun no gravity…then I would not have to do pathfinder

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They get denied housing , jobs, denied medical help, are kicked out as teens into the streets by family, and get raped or murdered by total strangers for their gender identity, or sexual orientation… Nope not oppressed at all.


Sure. All you gotta do is quit and delete your bnet account, one less person like you infecting the game.

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Have you even PLAYED a Gnome?! At least you can fall back on /waggle. All we Gnomes have is a vibrate setting (which those filthy Mechabominations probably stole from us!).

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exactly. Privilege at its best: “It doesn’t affect me so it’s not real”

Some people will simply never understand, even if it’s happening right in front of them, just because it’s not happening TO them.


They are not denied medical help or housing. Maybe 50 years ago but not today. Please stop…


Again you should stop watching CNN…
Every time a trans person is murdered it’s just assumed it’s because they are trans. Not saying it never happens but I’m not buying your CNN propaganda.


Okay but WoW has maybe a single good character and that’s Jaina Proudmoore and I never know if I’m going to wake up to her going crazy again.

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Wrathion and Anduin make a comelling pair and grew together organically so I do think it would be neat to ship them canonically.

The sad thing though is that the best written characters you’ll find in wow will be sombody’s RP character. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or I guess Queen Azshara. She was pretty fantastic in this expansion.

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Diversity quotas are stupid.

If it’s done naturally, whatever. More likely, you’re going to get a soldier 76 moment where it just comes out of nowhere for political brownie points (And is considered non-canon in other countries.)


Thats the biggest issue, it would feel unatural and forced. WoW isn’t a game where we get alot of character interaction compared to other games. I think the best example is some of the Bioware titles where you have relationships developing and that can feel natural.

But as Blizzard has shown with some overwatch characters, its just unnatural and they are LGBT for the sake of it to check diversity boxes.

In WoW your best way at promoting an LGBT couple might be having two soldiers in Kul Tiras talking about how you were always beside me etc and have some romance if you stay awhile and listen.

Also after wars people tend to get all make love crazy to blow off steam (ie baby boom after WW2), so can’t wait to see some Lor’themar x Thalyssra action where she is making moves on him and he is trying to dodge them. So this would be the best time to overhear random npc’s talking about what they would do after the war or romancing other NPC’s.

But the absolute worse way to do something is to just check off boxes and for the sake of it, you will get more resentment from it where it comes off as unnatural or forced romance.

Also we have inter-species relationships isn’t that diversity to? Which feels more natural in a game with multiple races. Humans and Elfs procreating etc. Also goblins with gnomes etc. (Possibly a gnome and human getting together from the alliance war campaign… they want to compare knife collections lol).