WOW needs more diversity

It’s also worth noting that making openly LBGT characters might get the game banned in Muslim countries so Blizzard already lost 2 billion potential customers by catering to woke people in the West which doesn’t even make up 5 million people.

Are you seriously going to suggest that it’s not widely accepted, because some people on General of the Warcraft forums felt otherwise?


I couldn’t care less about the label brigade at this point in my life.


I don’t have to “suggest it.” I can say it with certainty.

This whole thread is data to back it up. Just because you live in a place where is accepted does not mean everywhere else is like that.

Plus the people forcing this idea are the real oppressors since they will get half the planet to ban the LGBT version of the game and force blizzard to make regional versions with edited non LBGT characters, and that will impact gamers more since people can’t play on the same servers anymore.

LBGT agenda is about segregation and white supremacy.

There’s a difference between inserting themes into a scenario, and demanding that “Well, if they have it, why not us?”. That’s a childish behavior usually seen in toddlers. “If little Tommy gets to play outside, then I should be able to play outside too! It’s not FAIR!”

You aren’t losing out on your rights by not being represented in every corner of the world, and it’s absurd to suggest otherwise.


For those that seem to think gay rights in the West are all fine and dandy, well we did make progress with gay marriage being passed, but now it seems we are going backwards a bit, it’s just a feeling I have.

I admit, I was in the camp of people that felt political correctness and so on was getting out of control, but how can you make sure that we don’t go too far backwards in the other direction?

It just feels sometimes it’s a choice between political correctness or outright bigotry and discrimination, I mean it would just be nice for there to be a bit more balance…

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No, thats not how it works.

Forcing a narrative, opinion or viewpoint down someones throat simply because you want representation will never be ok, for anyone to do. There are people who think there should be more representation, there are people who think there shouldnt be, its an opinion, nothing more. Ultimately, Blizzard will decide, not us. It is not anyones place to tell anyone what Blizz should do, or what others need to accept.


I live in a country where Gay people get murdered if they’re found out to be gay so I think I know what “real oppression of LBGT” is.

Not having your sexual orientation in the game isn’t oppression coz they sure as hell don’t have any asian or black looking humans either and that is fine.


Man people really are still pouring salt on this thread because they somehow think OP hurt them huh
If it doesn’t matter so much why complain anyway

This whole thread is hardly a legitimate representation of 7.7 billion people.

I live in the country where it was once not tolerated, and we fought like hell to get accepted. Where coming out of the closet just 20 years ago, risked financial ruin that would destroy your life. Where people committed suicide if they were forced ‘out’. Where we fought tooth and nail just to get married.

You know, the actual fighting for representation part. Not this, “We must be represented EVERYWHERE otherwise people will forget about us.” attitude. I only know of 1 other group that took the persecution complex and ran with it.

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Yes, the LGBT agenda! Take over WoW today, the world tomorrow!

Please, you don’t know what oppressed is. Your head was never pushed against a toilet for being gay, you were never denied a job for being gay, your business was not set aflame for being gay… Don’t make me laugh.

Or, more subtle yet, people never looked at you weird for holding a girls hand, or for being in a park where there are kids, you were never called a troll for wanting to be represented, or you were never accused of having a “straight agenda.”


All LGBT people want is to feel like we belong.


There is absolutely no way to verify this. Many gay people are still in the closet. And then there are those who don’t really know what they are/like. I’m straight, but I can tell you that way more than 3% of people I have encountered in this world are not straight in one way or another.

Uh no.

“having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.”

Eh still doesn’t sound too bad compared to where I live in 2020 now coz gay people still get burned or beaten to death when found out. There’s even a province here that still whips people for holding hands before marriage.

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I lived this. And you just said you are asexual. You were barely affected.

Asexuals are treated slightly different in the sense that most think of them as ‘weird,’ but nobody would bully you into having a girlfriend and no one would destroy your livelihood because you are single. It’s not exactly equivalent.

You’re playing a fantasy game. There’s enough diversity.

Plus, Anduin x Wrathion. Look them up on Rule34. You’re welcome.


Yet I don’t dislike them personally or treat them differently. I just don’t want to see it in games where I go to get away from issues in the real world.

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That sounds a bit extreme

Don’t even begin to presume what I’ve experienced or how I was affected. You don’t know me, or anything about me. Asexuality isn’t a term that was known to me until a few years ago, after over 20 years of trying to figure out what was ‘wrong’ with me.

When I was growing up, there were 3 options: Straight, Gay, Bi. There weren’t 400 other variations. Not having a girlfriend in high school automatically places you into a specific category, and I dealt with that the same as people who actually were.

Those same rights you take for granted today, I fought to get. So piss off.