WOW needs more diversity

I know full well what it’s like.

It’s not to the extent that people exaggerate though. Maybe 20+ years ago, but not these days. In other countries, they’re literally murdered. That’s real oppression. That’s real persecution. Not being represented in a video game? Hardly similar in comparison.

How long until Atheists demand representation everywhere? Story time at the Library and what not.

But the real question is, is if there aren’t protections in place for minority groups, how long is it until they are literally being persecuted against and then even murdered here as well?

That’d be our country moving backwards, which isn’t happening. We are making leaps and bounds moving forwards. 20 years ago, coming out of the closet meant gambling against society on being accepted. Today, it’s cheered by groups of white knights who are eager to earn their woke badges.

Somehow, I don’t see that happening here.


Your cappin

I’d personally rather not have the gay stuff in the game, it’s already on every show, every corporation flying rainbow flags for whatever nonsense they’re signaling about. It’s too much, keep your silly activism away from entertainment and stop trying to socially engineer the society you want.


what does “I don’t care if you are gay, just don’t do it around me” even mean?
I don’t understand…I personally don’t care in the least if someone is gay. But how do you “gay” around someone? I’m so confused…

Just because someone doesnt want it in the game doesnt mean they are a homophobe. I am bisexual and dont want it in the game. Labeling everyone whom has a differing opinion as a homophobe is pretty narrow-minded.


I’m asexual. I, literally, couldn’t care less about what people do in the bedroom.

But I will, and have, championed for peoples rights for nearly 30 years. Demanding representation in a video game, and calling people bigots for disagreeing, is hardly worth supporting (in my view).

The whole, give an inch, take a mile thing.


Agreed. Everyone deserves their rights. But alienating and berating others because their opinion differs only makes them out to be the thing they are accusing those people of.


What purpose does it serve? Will it change the talent tree? Will they get their own racial’s?

Preconceived hatred: 3% extra crit on anyone who is not part of the LGBT community?

Flamboyant: Force everything to stop and look at you . (works like provoke except you don’t get attacked)

It’s not working on the game. You are also really not good at representing your community. I think most LGBT have bigger fish to fry.

Maybe someday a character will be written in that will be , but I don’t see how someones sexual orientation would actually change the game. Play on an RP server I am sure they have that covered.

id rather them spend time developing the actual game instead of shoehorning characters in a role just to appease your feelings.

Is a completely realistic reply. Your response however was very rude.


Atheists are not oppressed; and they are represented everywhere. It’s not an equal comparison.

You don’t understand. Those things decrease with normalization. Representation in media is causes normalization. So, in essence, representation would eventually lead to less prosecution and murders.

Do you honestly believe the US changed its views about LGBT people over night? No, it took many protests to make it clear that LGBT people did indeed exist. And then it took many more years of representation in media until it became normalized enough for a change in the law. Once LGBT marriage was made legal, it took a few more years for people to get used to it (and from judging this thread, not everyone accepts it just yet.)

It’s a process, and a big part of that process is representation. The only reason video games are behind in representation is because it’s not one of those industries where there are many trans women (yes, trans women have historically done 80% of all the fighting for LGBT rights).

But whatever, some day. It pains me to see threads filled with vitriol like this one, or LGBT players getting silenced for asking for representation; but there’s not much I can do individually.

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Honesty media dont play that big of roll imo
It was the lack of the population going to church regularly that was the biggest factor imo…

So you think you deserve to be catered too? Are you that confused/unsure about your personal choice that you need to find an outlet in media to relate and feel good about yourself? Sounds weak willed, the IP is the brain child of multiple individuals, maybe they respect your choice, but disagree with it based on their religion or some other standard. Why should they waver on their own morals and ideals to cater to a group that wants recognition in their IP?


How blizzard would implement this.
walks up to quest giver “Hello zer, how can I help you?”
quest giver turns around

being LGBT does not exonerate someone from being homophobic. In fact, many gay men have internalized homophobia and don’t realize it.

Representation matters. And yes, this thread is filled with homophobes passig with the whole “I don’t mind gay people but…” attitude. If you don’t ‘mind’ something, there’s no but.

Every time someone says “Black people are ok, but…” they are about to say something racist. Same thing when it comes to LGBT, or women, or essentially any other group.

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10/10 OP. Many many bites.

More :popcorn: anyone?


if it’s so unimportant, then why not have it. We know Jaina and Kalec are a couple. It’s pretty irrelevant to the story, but it’s there. Why does that one have a place in the game, but an LGBT relationship does not?

Considering how mainstream it is in 2020, and how widely accepted it is these days around much of the world, pretending to be oppressed because a video game doesn’t have LGBT representation, is the conduct of a spoiled child not getting their way.


this whole thread says otherwise.

Slow down man, you might be labeled as a homophobe. How dare you have different opinions you peasant.