WOW needs more diversity

Just like how all game are fake, and the real world is real.

It was indeed directed towards you. I’m currently drawing the lewds as we speak, of the Draenei female death knight and a vulpera

I think all of us are battling for acceptance in a world that we feel has rejected us.

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better to have someone who knows what they are writing about rather than someone who has no clue.

We don’t need anymore real world politics in WoW.


To the person who said ‘qualification alone should get the person a job’ that might be true for important positions like doctors, nurses and so on, but the reality is, humans can be real bigoted idiots and horrible, terrible awful people that’s why sometimes quotas are needed

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I would be a bigot and a terrible person if I wanted the most qualified person for the job no matter what it is?

That’s nuts.


I can’t think of a single instance where I would care what their preferred pronoun or sexual partner consisted of. Give me the quest, stop the dumb RP about not being a witch, and let me collect my reward and move on.


I actually live in a Muslim majority country where LBGT is banned and people might get killed for being gay so maybe you guys should just find a new purpose in life rather than pushing your ideology everywhere and forcing people to accept you.

LBGT in the west are not oppressed or persecuted in any way.


Exactly and why would you? The whole idea of trans or gay or whatever you like to call yourself has nothing to do with this game. Damn people have gotten so odd and lost all perspective. It’s just damn disturbing.


As annoying as they can be at times with their persecution complexes, I wouldn’t say they aren’t, because they definitely are. But it’s nowhere near the extreme levels of other countries.

Where I’m from, there are no LBGT because if they do exist…

Well, lets just say that they won’t exist for long if they’re found out.


I love how the subconscious homophobes here don’t realize character story, including romance, is actually “content” of RPG games and that it does have a beneficial impact on many players both in terms of immersion and relatability, just because the request here is LGBT and not straight.

Players asking for LGBT characters and story is not taking anything away from you any more than you take away when you ask for different story lines, dungeons, raids, etc.


The homophobes and just plain ignorant people in this thread are really pathetic.


This is the one thing of entertainment in life that isn’t destroyed by a LGBT agenda, can we keep it this way


Disagreeing with a persons stance doesn’t necessarily make them a bigot.


Openly LBGT entertainment from the West are banned where I live anyway so I won’t be seeing any of them

Tho wouldn’t be a bad thing if WoW gets banned in China and all Muslim countries for being openly pro LBGT since I already unsubbed anyway.

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Some can’t seem to understand that fact.


Popcorn tastes good.


Hey listen you allfor those that say that gay people aren’t oppressed, do you know what it’s like to be a gay person and be told ‘I don’t care if you are gay, just don’t do it around me’, see not everyone who is a homophobe actually goes around bashing up gay people it’s actually a lot more subtle than that, I mean gay people get denied access to housing, far likely to be homeless, etc. Just because people aren’t stoning you to death for what you do, doesn’t mean you aren’t oppressed in other ways.

Think about it.