WOW needs more diversity

Well, that was an entertaining read.

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I said “the norm”, which has a different meaning than “normal”.

Sorry, I was replying to Zaela, not sure why forum isn’t showing it.

I get it. I do.

But ask yourself this: in a game where romantic inclinations matter so little i.e. Thrall/Aggra, what difference does it make if some NPC somewhere is playing footsie with a samesex NPC somewhere in the middle of Dragonblight? Are you that much of a voyuer that what someone does in their bedroom is that important to you?

Would it change your rotation? Your sims? Standing innthe DPS/Healing meters? No, it wouldn’t.

I would suggest, however, if it is romantic interaction you seek, a dating sim of any variety may be more to your liking.

Otherwise, I would suggest making up your own headcanon about some of the NPCs. Because, let’s face it, there is a ton of not so subtle LGBT representation in the game. The aforementioned Sentinel, there’s the two Druids Tholo and I can’t remeber his name; a Night Elf and Tauren druid who are strongly implied to not only be cross species but also same-sex. There’s also the paladin who can’t be bothered to hide his adult reading material. Those are three examples right off the bat.

You know I never really even think about the relationship status of the characters. I think Tyrande and Malfurion are the only two I really remember being in a relationship (because let’s face it, she REALLY wants you to know.) I guess I don’t really care about the personal lives of the characters in the game, just what’s going on with the main story. Maybe some of them are gay etc already. Maybe it’s just better not to talk about relationships so you can just imagine it all yourself.

This thread is still up, huh.

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It would be easy to do and not take up “development time”. Making a quest about some farmers or a family who need you to defend their land from random mobs? Make them a Draenei dude and a Worgen dude. You don’t have to ADD new things. NPC’s are going to be made. Sometimes they have partners/lovers. Make some of them both the same gender. That doesn’t take any more time to do.

Have a person you need to find for a quest? Give them pronouns that don’t match the model you use. 99% of players won’t read the quest text anyways and will never notice. But trans players and allies will tell each other and be glad for the inclusion.

It’s basically free PR for Blizz. Swap one or two variables for a few NPCs and suddenly the LGBT community is sharing and talking about your game.

LGBT people just exist. And that’s how they should be handled in-game. Just whatever you do, Blizz, DON’T make a plot about it or create a character whose only characteristic or trait is “queer”. That reductionist, white-knighting crap doesn’t help anyone. And it DOES take developer time.

If including them is “forcing diversity” then NOT including them is “forcing exclusion”. Which is hurtful.

Go away!!!

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Sylvanus??? She’s always surrounded by female archers like hint hint… lol.

I was using the word “normal” because I was referring to the majority. And I never claimed to be normal myself. I may not be abnormal in the sense of this topic, but I am by no means normal when compared to most people. As I fall under the ~4% of americans that are sociopaths. If my use of the words normal and abnormal offend you or you are sensitive to the terms for other reasons, I am simply unable to understand why. So try not to be offended or defensive over something that I was trying to be tame with. I could have said something much worse, as I did say that I usually get muted when speaking in these types of threads. But I’ll try to hold my tongue.

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I’m going to draw lewds of your character and a male vulpera with a giant…

Don’t feed the troll

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2019 and this man out here making me LOSE THE GAME

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I feel like this is the wrong way to handle a trans character. Just from be reading about the issue there tends to be a bit (or a lot)of body dysmorphia. It is not just about pronouns not matching. If anything a quest to find two brothers for example but when you find them there is a brother and sister with some quest text about her that used to be him. In a world where magic can make your body fit who you are on the inside I don’t see many people not taking that “gift”.

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Was this directed at me? That is very random if so, and I applaud you on changing the subject… If it was for someone else, perhaps you should click the correct reply button as I got the notification and not them :stuck_out_tongue:

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I lost The Game

tbh, i’m kind of amazed people weren’t outraged by the addition of Marcus.

But according to people in :cn: , Tracer and Soldier 76 are straight. :thinking:

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And according to real people Tracer and Soldier are made up cartoon characters that no one should aspire to be like because they are fake.

Ok, now you got my attention in a positive view.

How much do you charge?

But seriosuly, i can understand your outrage, but please do some research before making a fool of yourself. There was many example in the thread that show, sadly, your ignorance. But i cannot blame you, because a game is supposed to be fun and we tend to pass over a lot of stuff to complete a goal.

Just because one game that you mentioned show there is more of a LBGT representation than WoW DOESN’T MEAN THERE IS NONE IN THE GAME!

Also, i’m interested for the drawing(I’m serious btw)