WOW needs more diversity

It’s not that it escapes us . I fully understand why you guys want it . But realistically as of right now I don’t see blizzard putting the time of day into it . It just isn’t needed. If they can do so in a way that makes sense and won’t feel forced on everyone then I’d say do it .

But as of right now story wise there is nothing that would fit or make any sense .

How would you guys make the story of the couple’s then ,that would make sense in the lore we have right now ?

No idea what you’re getting at.

I understand, and blizzard would encounter a lot of problems even hinting at doing it.

In the end, something like Tracer just being with her girlfriend and winston during the holidays would please me.

Blizzard can figure out a good backstory for a character that just happens to be gay. It doesn’t have to be any more complicated than that.

:speak_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

Aside from Tyrande and Malfurion, one of the most memorable couple was the two on the pier in SW, when I read that they’re going to Northrend for their honeymoon I was like “oh sit no…”

Too many words are censored on this forum.

It is normal . So is being bisexual etc there’s too many parts of the community to name and I’m really lazy atm and almost falling asleep here but yes it’s normal .

Eh I feel my idea of a story for shadowlands would be a bit “too real”. I’d have a guy reunite with his boyfriend that was killed either in war or as a hate crime.

But I’m one of those “ooo I found a nerve lets poke it” story tellers. So eh.

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Typically, people want developed characters to suddenly show their sexual preferences or romantic interests. It doesn’t surprise me in the least that people want to see characters like Anduin, Wrathion, or other BIG NAME characters come out.

We’ve got representation in minor appearances. But that isn’t enough for folk. Token LGBT characters are often insulting, sometimes fitting.

One of my biggest questions is -EXACTLY WHAT- do they want to see in the form of representation?

If its a Lesbian or Gay character. Are you asking to see them be open about their sexuality to where its pretty much their entire character? A reveal? A note? What exactly about this character(s)'s purpose do you want to see?

If its a Transgender character, how do you want them to reveal it? Azeroth provides options to completely change a person’s form from Polymorph, Transmorphic Tinctures. Its possible to completely change spiri vessels from body to body via magic. A transgender character in WoW would be radically different from one we see in real life from the sheer number of options.

We talk so much about representation, but never state what exactly we desire to see to represent.

That’s not too bad of an idea I don’t see how that would anger anyone . It seems reasonable.

It’s a tad too real and it might upset people that were victims of that kinda hatred in the past. We can suspend our imagination for a lot of stuff like killing EVERYTHING in WOW but my idea is a teensy bit too personal.

I just like the idea of a soldier getting sucked into shadowlands or however we get there. And they’re reunited with someone like a lover.

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Panduh dude has some good questions stole them right outta my sleepy brain ty for saving me from all that typing lolol

Edit : if I randomly go MIA it means I fell asleep lul

See, I’m personally satisfied with how Tracer’s and Soldier’s reveal was handled. Tracer and her girlfriend during the holidays in a short comic. Solider picking up a picture of his old boyfriend after Ana asked him about it. Their sexuality isn’t the focus of their character, it’s just a part of who they are.

Others might want more, maybe someone open and flaunting their sexuality all the time. Others just a good backstory involving a gay couple, like tyrande and her husband. Can’t really satisfy everyone.

I’d say the biggest problem is that no matter how it is done, some people will always take issue with it.

You’re not wrong there. Its a slippery slope as some people love it loud and proud. Others prefer the subtle approach.

Personally, characters like Asric and Jadaar strike me as a good example of a gay couple. They’ve been around since BC. Had their spouts and adventures together. They got personality and history that wouldn’t shock people if they were together. They come off as a crotchety old couple but in the end love one another regardless.

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Had to google them. I totally forgot about those two.

It would also be a neat interracial coupling too. Two birds with one stone, I always say.

Yeye I get ya.

How about that dwarf and that belf paladin wannabe who you all traveled together with a sweet worgen lady and her merchant cart? I forgot if it’s eastern plaguelands or western plaguelands, there’s too many plaguelands.

I haven’t finish that zone, just got bored when I saw that cart on the map and decided to hang around with them. Are those two still alive?

that would be fiona

the way i see it, there are bigger fish to fry… and things which seem more important than personal relationships.

emancipate the peons.

end the racism divide between factions.


Yeah I kinda forgot about her name since I just put her afk herbing in my garrison. And now she’s sitting afk in the back alley of Boralus. I feel real sad for her.

I don’t agree with the use of the word normal. When my deaf friend describe me using the sign ‘normal’ and describe them as ‘deaf’, I immediately told them to use the word ‘hearing’ instead, it’s just feel so wrong to call yourself normal and others