WOW needs more diversity

Yeah, capitalism does suck :wink:. Something we finally agree on.

Why do you have to attack people that aren’t part of our community ? That doesn’t make us look good at all it’s not what we’re about.

Tbh I see it as forced aswell . I respectfully disagree about it not being forced . I get where you are coming from but just try to see it from the other perspective too. You don’t have to agree . There has been plenty I have seen all over social media where people try and force it on people . It’s just not right .

Another thing is as great as it would be imo it would just come off as purely forced. It would be really awkward and it wouldn’t flow naturally . If that makes sense . Not saying that any of your ideas are wrong or anything but just trying to give an example of why I don’t see it fitting on so suddenly. I hope that makes sense .

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oh god no. how did you get that???

ya but thats what someone purposed to get you to buy that product. isnt that insulting? Someone thinks you will just buy a product cause you can relate to the ad.

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Normally I don’t get that snippy. My manners are strained atm.

It would be forced because WoW doesn’t have that many romantic relationships to begin with.

It’s understandable .

I mean it’s better than what lgbt had to deal with in the past. It’s just “Aw you dummies are trying. Cute.”

Idk, tyrande and that druid? Anduin’s dog and his wife? Arthas and jaina? Thrall and his wife? I don’t really follow the wow lore all that much, but those came to mind and I’m sure there are plenty more.

It’s not forced with those, so it wouldn’t be forced with gay couples either.

Also like. 99.90 percent of the time when I say “non lgbt” it’s not meant to be insulting.

Text has a habit of sucking emotion out of the words

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Agreed, it can do that

the observer algalon was right.
we need to reset.

I would say that the fact that those are the examples you could come up with kind of shows there aren’t that many.

Bruh I’m not gonna list every single couple. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

You do have time for that cause there aren’t that many.

We’ll see those characters have had some sort of build up making sense with the story ,sure it wasn’t alot of focus on the relationships but I can see why blizz stays away from such decisions.

It’s prob way easier to just not add anything rather then make up some awkward new piece of lore that comes out of completely nowhere. Then rush it out and hope it appeases the masses type of thing if that makes sense .

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I ain’t wasting time on that

Doesn’t matter how many there are. Those relationships are not considered forced, so having ONE gay couple wouldn’t be either.

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Btw I noticed earlier in the thread people were all “oh lgbt would mess with ratings” because apparently being born gay makes you rated r. That logic is dumb.

If Disney can have a song about a guy straight up LUSTING for a woman then it’s really not that big a deal.
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all of those examples you gave.
have backstory.
have conflict.
have a road map.
they arnt forced because they wherent just announced randomly. tracer was. thats forced bs we dont need.
if spy master and the other chap had a lil more story they could have a genuine relationship.

Ask yourself WHY that gay couple would be included.