WOW needs more diversity

i dont know how to because there is no proof otherwise. If there was anything tangible i could accept it but instead its just another corporation trying to nudge there nose in our community for sales.
Its like when you see pepsi post about gay pride march… you know it dosnt make sense… its just a PR move.

And straight people are pandered to all the time. Your point?

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its disgusting. is my point.
give me a story or give me nothing. dont give me forced trivial pr moves.

I didn’t say you, personally, did.

You have two questlines and at least one other couple. Continuing to ask or demand, as some people keep doing, is exactly why I said “if the occasion calls for it.”

… no one is being a baby about it. Ignore the stupid comments from obvious trolls and focus on the rest.

I don’t need relationships in my game. Of any sort. If it makes sense for a storyline, fine. If it doesn’t, then I just don’t care. I see no reason to get upset over such things.

Play the game, have some fun. If you absolutely need to somehow get validation for your sexual preference, then I’d suggest getting together with friends and not focusing on what pixels like each other.


Micro male private part on traditional western art makes me uncomfortable. Feels weird when you starts noticing how obsessed those painters are when it comes to tiny male private part.

…Why not just go bold and go big?

Not really tho I’m even in LGBT myself and I don’t want it in the game . I don’t feel mis represented in any shape or form just because lorewise n story wise there’s no LGBT characters .

As for the war stuff that’s different Azeroth isn’t irl . The stuff that happens is all fictional. I see no similarities with irl politics/ wars .

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Ok, let me put it this way. When they do commercials with pepsi involving a couple or w/e, maybe a heterosexual couple with kids to get you to buy them and drink it with your family. Is that okay?

Cause that’s just a way for them to generate sales is it not? So why should gay people be excluded from being advertised to? Are they not people capable of buying their product? So why would they ignore an entire market they can make money off?

Why do you think gay people deserve to be excluded?



Meanwhile I had to picture Thrall and Aggra banging at the end of dragon soul cutscene. Or Torbjorn. Ugh. Ew.

Not really an option. No I’m not going into detail.

It’s more “dude I’m bored. challenge your writers to do something different for a change” Than misrepresentation for me.

Dangit I wanna make a joke but I dunno if the mods would like it. Shoot.

no. its not. its disgusting to get pander to.
if you wanna sell me something. give me the product. dont worm your way into our homes and our families for a extra buck.

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I really have to wonder if blizz employees are watching this thread. Probs not but the thought makes me giggle.

That’s a you thing. I absolutely never pictured that. Nor did anyone else I know.

Then it sounds like you’ve got some things to hopefully fix in your life. Which I hope you can do, because you deserve to be happy and comfortable. But trying to hope for pixel relationships to try to fill that void isn’t the best way to go. Believe me, I know. I’ve tried. It didn’t end well.


I dunno sometimes its nice to see someone practically kneel at my feet to get my money.

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The watchful eye of saron peers above us all

I get ya dude. I do. I just don’t wanna talk about it.

Sounds like you would lead a very unsuccessful marketing department.

that means there product is so weak that they have to kneel before you to get your money. its slimy.
it dosnt make sense to me. at all.

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ya. not a scumbag. thanks for the compliment.

I mean it doesn’t mean Im gonna buy what they’re selling. I just sometimes like thinking “Aw you’re truly desperate to come to me”