WOW needs more diversity

and they would strait up tell blacks they were the wrong color to enter.


it has to be only on qualification.
I understand that perspective could assist writers but it likens to sexual discrimination for any hetrosexual writers applying to the job.

it was decent. Not great but for the time of 2009 it broke allot of ground.

Both had it bad that’s all I’m saying. There are black people in the game altho granted Blizz slacked a bit on that. However Shadowlands seems to be on the right track with hair options. Also Wrathion. Just Wrathion in general.

Still to this day hospitals discriminate. In my state, it would actually be legal for a hospital to deny me care just for being transgender.

I’m serious. I can get in a car accident, and the hospital i’m sent to can DENY me care because of my gender identity. And that’s LEGAL in my state.


Eeeeeeyup. I know that fear too. ( Trans guy, ello )

you didn’t have to watch it either.

you wanted to watch it, but you didn’t have to.
i doubt that not being able to watch a tv show had a lasting impact on your life…
it’s not gone forever, it’ll be out there somewhere, and you can binge watch it if you want.

i’m not sure how age is relevant (i’m not familiar with the show, or its rating?)
…but from a respect point of view, if someone doesn’t want you doing something in their home, you respect their wishes


Nothing about the other characters did either. Everyone just assumed everyone was straight. Though I would say zarya is the only questionable one. Literally where tracer was revealed came with more backstory being provided for other characters.

We got to see torb with his hetersexual family and kids. Pharah with her father. Reaper eyeing what we assume to be a woman he used to care about. Widow and her past husband.

And tracer with her girlfriend.

The only issue I see you take offense with here is the sexuality of tracer and that’s the only thing that stood out to you in that entire comic.

You choose to focus on that particular sexuality, but had no issues with the other ones.

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middle eastern at best, also Wrathion x Anduin.

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I get ya but I just wanted to lighten the mood with a joke with that el dorado clip

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You could just do what I do and wife your fave npc ladies . In my head Lady Liadrin, Yrel, Jaina , Lucille Waycrest, Alleria ,Vereesa,Valeera
and that cute high elf bakery chic wiff black hair in new dal by the bank are all my wives . Problem solved :smirk::slightly_smiling_face:

idk what backwater town you are living in but that sounds unrealistic.
I know catholic private hospitals can deny general care but not emergency like a car accident.

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See on that we agree. Seriously I might as well be doing my own version of “kiss the girl” from Little Mermaid but with those two.

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haha so true

I brought up how old I was because I would have been so screwed at that age if I was suddenly homeless. I was also VERY in the closet at that time and I just wanted to watch something I could relate with. That’s not a crime.

It’s also stupid to basically go “be bored til you’re dead. deal with it” basically. Not saying you’re doing that it’s just how I feel with this topic.

doubtful. everyone just took them at face value. tracer a test pilot was testing a new type of jet that malfunctioned horribly. displacing her in time.
If at anypoint they wanted to introduce she had a family it could have been a glimpse at a pocket watch in the plane looking at her wife/girlfriends picture before the launch.
even though cliche that would be. it would be natural.

all of the characters at the very start where shallow battle royal standard character story.
nothing was seriously written correctly. It was at best a shameful token.

I gotta disagree with ya dude. I mean I’m listening to you don’t worry. I just don’t see the overwatch characters as tokens.

Altho I admit it’s funny how Soldiers recipe in a cook book that was overwatch themed mentioned cream pies with his old boyfriend.


No they should not . They need to focus on fixing the game right now and not worrying about adding LGBT stuff that does absolutely nothing .


The writers don’t do any of the actual game developing

there backstory was left empty for a reason though. They looked at the community shouting about speculation and just took the best route.

Lol, so spending time with your girlfriend during the holidays is not natural? You had to pick a silly scenario for you to make sense of it? Please…

Also, soldier’s reveal was basically him looking at a picture after Ana brought up what I believe was her family and so she asked him about his. And you know what happened? Everything you keep typing happened.

So I will REPEAT myself and say that you always shift the goalpost about what is acceptable. You will NEVER be pleased about how a gay character is written. You inherently have issue with the sexuality and you just refuse to admit it.