WOW needs more diversity

X Doubt
10 char

Greymane and his now dead wife.
Jaina and Arthas, which is likely to be relevant again Shadowlands.
Jaina and Kalecgos
Jaina and Thrall, which was touched on in a recent cinematic although they are now just friends.
Talanji and Rokhan
All the NPCs who’s backstory revolves around a dead spouse or child(I think Tirion was part of this category) or a missing spouse or child.
Never forget Mankrik and the search for his wife!

You could probably find at least a few NPCs in every zone with minimal effort who say or do something to show they are in a straight relationship.

Even if many would overlook it, as they seem to do with the straight couples, it could mean a lot to some folks.
Isn’t that part of the whole point of media, is to share experiences and feelings with others through various forms of art and expression?

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See this guy gets it

Just to mention that when I was playing through the rogue class hall missions the Red something something NPC in Glorious Good shop flirted with me and I was like wut just happened?

That’s always awkward on the toons I imagine as gay in my head lol

0/10 transmog

Isn’t there a saying, something about get woke, go—

7/10 transmog :slight_smile:

Only if they’re stupid about it. That’s not what people are asking for.

Also the logic of “you’re just being abused by marketing wanting your money” is STUPID because SERIOUSLY LOOK AT ALL THE NON LGBT MARKETING YOU GET IN LIFE. Oh but that’s fine.

We don’t really see much romance in WoW in general, and for good reason… the times they actually do try and write it, it ends up being a hindrance to the characters and their arcs, as opposed to anything motivating. Most of the racial leaders don’t even have romantic interests or spouses that are referenced at all. Jaina has/had Kalec, a romance so absent from the game it may as well not be a thing at all. Thrall has Aggra, Tyrande has Malfurion, but other than that for the vast majority of the characters we meet, all we see are implications.

And those implications are generally how Blizzard has operated for any sort of same sex romance, which they have been getting better about including. If we’re using story/lore as a motivator for inclusion, however, the fact of the matter is that per the lore and story, people on Azeroth probably don’t care about who is attracted to whom.

Azeroth’s existed in a post-apocalyptic state for over a decade now, arguably two decades. Especially in the Eastern Kingdoms, entire societal norms have been completely shattered because everyone’s trying to survive. And that’s not even counting the many races who probably never had issues with such things in the first place.

Basically, they’re there, and we do see them, there’s several examples already put forth, but to make it any more overt than it is now wouldn’t make much sense per the lore world, and honestly I feel they should be backing off romance, not bring it into the spotlight.

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Right because straight sexuality is so freaking pure


When I first started roleplaying in this game, I wanted to play a gay character and was met with pretty nasty homophobia, because apparently when 90% of the elves got killed by Arthas, that means my job is to breed!


Sociopaths are awful. Yeah, it’d be nice if there was a bit more lore supporting the existance of LGBT people in WoW for those of us that actually like lore. That hardly merits a discussion I think. This is an RPG in a big, living world. That’s basically the easiest circumstances for seamlessly integrating LGBT themes. Frankly, it’s weird that a society of amazons whose men have a historical habit of sleeping for extended periods of time don’t have at least a few more references to girls crushing on each other littered throughout the game. …I think there’s a potentially trans orc in the Caverns of Time depending on how you interpret their somewhat ambiguous situation. Could just as easily be interpreted otherwise though.


For the most part Tracer has remained popular, hell, I’d argue even Soldier 76, while controversial, ultimately had little negative effect to the game.

How do you even know who’s flagging anything ?

Answer you don’t .

You can stop lashing out at people just because they disagree .


What WoW really needs is some QA. IDGAF what their sexual orientation is.

oh nice!
you’re accusing ME of flagging the thread?

loosen the tinfoil… even if i was flagging the thread, one flag isn’t enough to get a thread locked.

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

…and while the thread hasn’t been deleted, no moderators have taken part in the unlocking of the thread.

This topic was automatically opened after 24 hours.

^ not “given the A-OK by mods” :roll_eyes:
merely permitted to exist because people have been mostly civil.

If you want it to remain unlocked, I suggest that you take a leaf from everyone elses book, and also remain civil.


Soldier just had the misfortune of being revealed after Diablo Immortal.

oh hi again, I think I got a post buried a few days ago it might have been for something I said on here so wanted to apologize if anything I said offended anyone

You’re good mate. The thread just gets locked when it gets too heated. I’m rather surprised they keep allowing it to unlock after 24 hours. >_>