WOW needs more diversity

Basically take chili, cheese and put it on fries! there the best!

I will not heed your lies orc!

I think in my culture we prefer cheese and fries on top of a bowl of freshly plucked bird’s eye chili.

You do realize that adding all this changes the ERSB rating right? Dragon Age is listed as Mature.

You may think that changes nothing, but in the grander scheme of things it does. Some parents take those ratings rather seriously and it could prevent some of the younger players from getting access.

There have been plenty of gay characters, so many have listed so many story lines involving them. The only thing they haven’t done is dress them in rainbow flags and have them announcing their orientation to the world, which would not be remotely organic at all. If you want to make a NPC gay just to say it is, I don’t know what to say.

Hey now… where I’m from, chili only gets made with chili powder. It’s quite a travesty.

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Well that’s because they show nudity. Being gay is not suddenly a jump in ratings.

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You think nudity is the only thing? You are fooling yourself. Have you ever wondered why in some countries things are listed as teen and in others mature? It’s not just nudity it is also subject matter. Every place has a different threshold.

10/10 Nice troll

Oh nooooooo some backwards country being backwards. I don’t care how they feel.

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Cool, so only your opinions and agendas matter. Got it, won’t bother with facts with you, have a great night!


Dude I’m not gonna care about some countries feelings when they’re being hateful

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Hateful? You are really grasping at straws. Someone disagreeing with something does not make them hateful. That is a you thing only.

As I stated before, and plenty of others have told you time and time again we have always had gay characters, you just need a specific kind and anything less is hate to you. I get it. Like I said, not gonna bother carrying on with you. Happy gaming!


That are shoved off into the background and don’t really do anything. Yeah totes what I’m asking for. And I thought you were talking about the places where being gay is still punishable by death. My bad.

Still if I had to tolerate straight relationships all my life then ya’ll can handle 2 seconds of gay.


You really don’t understand that attemps at guilt tripping won’t work on your favor, right?

All you’re doing is watering down a word that is supposed to be used when very serious things happen, not just when people disagree with something this minor.


Blizz has you covered, for the low price of $15 you can have a sex change in the shop. Thats a hell of a deal, if that doesn’t support the LGBT community I don’t know what does.


you don’t understand the concept of freedom of speech.
it doesn’t mean you can say whatever you want about anything.
…but even if that’s what you think it means, it still doesn’t apply here.
this is a private forum, and blizzard gets to decide what is appropriate.

People have been mostly civil, so there’s no reason for the thread to remain locked… but don’t pretend it has anything to do with constitutional rights which you have no understanding of. :roll_eyes:

not sure why the bans would be removed… model editing is clearly against the rules.


So… you guys don’t like eating raw green chili peppers as tea time snack?

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Never had those raw. See now I’m curious.

Know why it’s forced? Because there’s no reason for it to come up. The fact you need them to hold up a flag that says “I’m gay” is why it’s forced.
Anduin seems a bit gay, let your mind fill in the blanks instead of needing a cutscene of him and Wrathion making out.


That’s not what people are asking for.