WOW needs more diversity

Bring on the gay Void Elves as well! Just like Overwatch, everyone is gay :smiley:

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To be fair, blizzard hasn’t been very accepting of various types of communities.

Last year I think it was, they mass banned (but then unbanned) the nudist community who wanted to play with nude mods. Despite there being a decent sized (as far as groups go) nudist community that play WoW and many other games.

I think its because it becomes a problem in other regions, but then they can just change it specifically for that region which they already do for stuff. But as long as its harming no one, blizzard could be more accepting of different groups of people. A same gender relationship as I’ve said before in the thread, really harms no one and even straight relationships tend to be shoehorned in and forced feeling anyway in almost every movie, game and book, for those that worry about that. No one is going to die or commit a crime (unless they are mentally unstable to begin with) just because there is a same gender relationship in a game.

But with that said, I actually as I’ve said, don’t like romantic junk in any media. Don’t care if its straight, same gender, no gender…I hate romance in any book, movie, game or whatever it is. But if they have to have it in, might as well go for all types of relationships especially if it fits the character and written well, but even if not most relationships are done extremely poorly to begin with anyway.

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i would be okay if they made it a thing about them having a story about it, and it was well detailed.

but i would dislike it if it were forced in there like how they randomly just say “Oh and tracers into women!”

I really don’t care either way tbh. I hate everybody equally.


i am pacific islander where are they in the game !! hehe i am , but the comment is to point out its world of warcraft not world of diversity!! come on !!

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As I said a couple posts above. Straight relationships are often done extremely poorly too in media (books, games, movies etc). They are almost always shoehorned in and done poorly and feel extremely fake. So that doesn’t really do anything for argument against same gender relationships.

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I hate you people, go away. Yes you people. You always ruin games and tv shows.,


Of course. But like I said, their storytelling where it is currently could use way better work before worrying about what sexual preference a character is, imo…

The amount of times characters do almost a complete 180 without valid reasons is insane in itself, little lone everything else.

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that is true.
alot of poorly made scenes or stories/movies, no matter the gender interest of the person.

i honestly just sayin i dislike how people are taking the trend and making it into a poorly made plot or make it unnecessary scene.

So true.
i just hate it how certain groups use insults and assumption about other people to push they’re agendas to change characters or force story plot that eventually make poor choices.

Did Tracer really seem forced though? Like if it was a guy would you say that was forced too?

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pretty sure i would, but i only feel it that way, no story i seen or anything about it.

but doesn’t mean ima pop a rant about it like some folks did.

Fair enough

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Here’s the answer to your question:

This is my new forum signature now. Can I quote you in my signature? Anorave?

If you want to say Chili Fries feel free to use mine

Chili Fries! :hot_pepper: :fries:
:kissing_closed_eyes: :ok_hand:

Never heard of that food before, but it looks good. Is it something like the mac and cheese stuff I keep hearing about on TV?

Its better.
I even unintentionally started a crusade with it!

Fishy thread. :thinking:

What do you mean? We’re just talking about chili fries…

Sadly Amazon isn’t selling those to my country.

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There are two questlines and at least one couple I know of.

Out of all the things important that need to be addressed with this game, I could honestly care less what pixels are straight or not.


Chili made with chipotle. :smiley:

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