WOW needs more diversity

That was a great comment; It’s rare to see people well informed about this stuff.


This is like. The chillest religion chat I’ve ever been in. It’s kinda nice

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Part of focusing on the now is having an awareness of history and what worked then and what didn’t. Progression means not repeating the mistakes of the past.

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No clue how this post has not been flagged and the user temp banned for at least a week.

Blizzard is a company and does not have to coddle your opinion. Stop trying to force your personal view on others.

WoW needs developers that communicate and interact with their customers.

Blizzard should never get into the political position of advancing a morality view.


I get ya. I just got a lot going on mentally and I don’t need that guy hogging space in my brain ya know?

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Love the overflowing homophobia. It’s so easy to trigger people on this forum with the d word.


Christianity isn’t the only the religion in existence. Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, all exist. None of them “align themselves with the great deceiver”; they follow their own belief system and their own deities. Atheists also don’t “align themselves with the great deceiver” because they don’t believe in him.

Not believing in Christ doesn’t mean allying with the Devil. Not believing in Christ means you either have your own deities to believe in or you don’t believe in any of it. This is what most Christians don’t seem to understand.


Also it’s a bit funny to be called a follower of a deceiver when christianity has HISTORY with that lol.

Eh nothing is perfect. I don’t say that in a hateful way.


You claimed to be a lifelong Christian yet spout advice completely contrary to the teachings of your religion. I simply called you out on it.

As a Christian you Either believe in Christ as your savior or you’re not a Christian. Practice whatever mysticism you like but without that belief you’re not a Christian.

Further, according to the Christian bible satan does not care what diety you follow just as long as it’s not Christ and is said to seduce and entice the much hated mankind away from Christ.

When did I say I didn’t believe in Christ? Read my posts again. You can be Christian, believe in Christ, but still acknowledge other religions, their own beliefs, secularists, and their lack of beliefs. The fact that I’m aware of what non-Christians believe and don’t believe, doesn’t mean I myself don’t believe in Christianity.


Bruh reread their post

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This topic is temporarily closed for at least 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 24 hours.

WOW has alot of in-game problems and ppl is concern about this stupid things

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This thread was a major Trip.


Above all, art, love and emotion of a good product?

You know, I am not against inclusion, we live almost in a world where there is already freedom in the right.

But when a company does the same as another company that started this trend that is nothing more than FASHION, that is, when everyone wants a piece of cake or pizza as you want, it looks the same every time, over, in over , in over, in over. As much as when you criticize what was the trends that became popular or cult in previous decades, it becomes the same so much so that for this time it only means one thing:


and also destructive and incitement to hate more than you can imagine.

Once again people confuse a fictional world with reality. Learn to separate the two


I know that you don’t even believe in what you said. But i’m gonna pretend I agree with you. Ok, I agree with you.

How is this rolling dumpster fire still going?
:fire: :no_mouth:


The homophobes keep flagging it and the forum mods keep restoring it.

I’m not gonna lie when I say this thread has been shut down at least 10 times now and has been restored just as many.

It’s funny, the same homophobes that cry about freedom of speech are now trying to silence me.

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