WOW needs more diversity

Bruh that’s not what people are asking for at all. Simply existing is not politics.

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Eh I bounce between Leveyan Satanism and The Satanic Temple. Satanic Temple often act a bit troll like. Like performing “magic” on dead westboro baptist church members to make them gay. It makes me chuckle because they do often make good points.

Asking to add anything that is not related to the current story just for the sake of it is politicizing the game, considering the current situation with identity politics. Most characters are not signaling their sexuality so we don’t even know if any are from those groups. One of the main differences between games like ME3 and today’s stuff is that now we have activists trying to force developers and using the media to blackmail developers.

I’m not sure wow has any reason to add these things. If they do it’ll have to be in such an organic way that people like me (there are a LOT of us) don’t mind. In other words, if we smell preaching and pandering we’ll tell them to piss off.
A majority of people give zero F’s to who or what people are or like, we just hate activists putting their dirty claws in our content.
If any religious nutjob starts forcing religious stuff in my games i’ll be as pissed off.


Well I don’t see that as an anti-Christian idea, I mean from a moral perspective, and part of why the right-wing has a more positive view towards Christianity, is because 100 years ago in the old days, private charities run by churches and so on could help poor people get on their feet and off the drugs, and while I am not anti-welfare at the same point, we got to realize that a lot of people are trapped in a cycle of drug dependency and so on, now I would see it as a Satanistic thing to keep people trapped in that cycle, Christianity would say, okay we will give these people a hand-up to get off the drugs, but not going to take any action or support any policy that’s going to continue feeding their drug habit, that kind of thing.

I admit it feels like a paradox for me at times, because on one hand it’s meant to be about turning to Jesus for forgiveness no matter what you’ve done, but at the same point it’s about not enabling people to continue to make for lack of a better term, bad lifestyle choices, I mean you can say ‘bad’ is a relative term, but to me, there’s a huge difference between someone that’s going around smashing cars and windows because they are on drugs, and someone that’s not calm and chill that doesn’t do those things

Tyrande and Malfurion
Illidan and Tyrande
Thrall and Aggra
Alexstrasza and her consort

Anytime a mom and dad are shown in game.


It’s more “Look if you wanna have fun go have fun if you’re not hurting yourself or other people. Don’t be stupid”

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I can never understand this, it’s like telling people that it’s fine to stab one of your eye because you will stab another one of your eye instead of fighting back.

Our every action should have consequences.

Get woke, go broke.

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These slogans are getting old now

Ooooo do you have more sayings if I pull that string on your back?


No. It’s more of a “hey look we’re going to steal the concept of Thelema from Aleister Crowley and the Golden Dawn but not credit them”. Anton LaVey was quite the grifty plagiarist.

Around 97% of people are straight. We have a lot of straight relationships to go before you can claim BLizzard is not representing groups.
It seems like they put relationships in only when it’s necessary to the story. If they manage to add any other types of relationships in a natural way I’ll not mind. It’ll be hard to not piss a lot of people off. If they do it to a totally new character in a non preachy way i’m sure it could be great, so long as they developed that character with this in mind.


Lifelong Protestant Christian here, but I just want to say something because this is what most other Christians think when they hear “Satanic Temple” or “Church of Satan.” Those two organizations aren’t cultists or devil-worshippers, they’re atheists and use the term “Satan” to promote individualism and rational inquiry. That is, to think for one’s self instead of blindly following organized religion. They’re atheists, so they don’t actually believe in the devil or in demons.

I encourage fellow Christians to read up on what the Satanic Temple and the Church of Satan truly are because the media has long perpetuated the false belief that they’re dark cults when they’re not. Their tenets are even very humanitarian.


Eh no ones perfect. I don’t focus on that part.

How is the weather in Lesbos today?

I lean more towards agnostic tbh. I used to be like. BRUTAL athiest and it was just depressing. I mellowed a bit regarding that.

It’s probably why I like Ghost so much lol.

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Well it’s true

I don’t care about perfection but I do care about intent and intent to deceive.

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And he’s been dead for ages now so I just focus on right now

Ok “my fellow Christian”

A true Christian would know that in order for satan to win he doesn’t need you to follow him. He just needs you not to believe in Christ.

But I’m sure a following that align themselves with the great deceiver are honest and just. Kek