WOW needs more diversity

The extremists soiled it imo. Or people that want points like Jk Rowling.

I’m just a gay gamer that’s really freaking bored of straight media after 30 years of it. Being told by people that I’m forcing them to see something when they did that to me my whole freaking life is just tiring. Not saying you’re saying that. I’m just rambling.


I don’t hate straight people I just find you very boring. Big difference.


You know here in Australia they keep trying to change the day, because they argue that will make us more tolerant to the indigenous community if we did that, but I am not convinced that special representation for them will make us more aware and tolerant of their issues.

It just seems to me there comes a point when people push for symbolic changes to draw attention to their causes, to me it’s disappointing that people have to cause that much of a ruckus to get people caring and thinking about the challenges of the injustice they face in life.

The difficulty I find also is that when people ask for special representation or make sweeping changes in society in an effort to raise awareness and make people care more about one minority group, it unfortunately creates a polarization where other people are feeling their own freedom, value in society etc is being trodden one, when to me in an ideal world we should all be equally valued and respected, it’s true that if you from a minority group you will find tougher challenges than other people, we shouldn’t deny that fact, but where I stand on this is that if tokenism is truly the only way to raise people’s awareness, that’s fine, but personally I do have a bit more faith in the tolerance of humanity than that.

Society doesn’t mirror how you feel or want things to be. More people than you realize feel this way and some aren’t even part of the LGBT community. The best advice I can give is to not try and find acceptance or happiness from outside sources.

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No. You accused me of something I am not so I corrected it. Nothing more. Also I don’t give a damn about the stuff you listed.

I support other ppls desires and lifestyles but I must stop and remind the OP this is a video game about a fantasy world it is not RL. Don’t try to change a video game to be RL that was not RL in the first place.

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I thought all the Male belfs were gay.

It’s a bit hard to not try and do that when my current life has no acceptance.

Everybody uses media to escape. Why should I be denied that?

I would then use media as a healthy escape. Jump into Azeroth to enjoy the story. In Azeroth you’re a Belf Warlock who has saved the planet 33434554 times. You don’t need to be known as a Belf Gay Warlock who save the planet 4535645 times.

Edit: I don’t really understand what you’re being denied?


I can’t force myself to be interested in stories like Val’sharah or the end of Cataclysm.

Also this character of mine isn’t gay. She’s pretty much asexual. I know that information isn’t important. Again I’m just bored and rambling at this point.

The denial I meant was just wanting to see stuff like I mentioned but with characters I actually give a dang about. Without people screeching.

That isn’t your fault. That is just personal taste. There are stories in WoW I could care less about as well.

Ahh, I understand. I honestly just want romance or anything of the like to stay out of WoW. Seems like one of the best course of action Blizzard can take. That way people can RP and/or come up with whatever they want in their own minds.


I roll my eyes a lot at romance attempts but I can appreciate SOME of the effort. I just wish the writers would try something different. Even if it ends up bad at least it would be different.

And having their attempts just be some nobody npcs that are vague as heck is kinda like asking for pie and being told “No you cannot have pie but here’s a circular fruit pastry union”

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What’s China’s ifunny?

Not on Azeroth there isn’t, which is the context of what i was talking about.

Good try though.

Sure you don’t. You don’t have to be a part of the masses if you feel differently, at least have the courage of your convictions.

you’ll never live the vulpera down.

I think that era is crumbling, we now live in a society were division and hatred are championed, name calling and bullying is not only tolerated but encouraged and lying is the new way to be honest and upfront with everybody.


I’m gonna have to agree with Rosenivy. Personally I don’t care, I don’t care about any kind of relationships or all that stupid junk in games, movies, books…its all stupid to me and gross. I honestly find that stuff gross. Doesn’t matter same gender, straight, no gender don’t care don’t like it. I hate stupid romantic junk in any media.

But if they are gonna have relationships, might as well include various types of relationships. Honestly harms no one, and the only part is when its too obviously shoehorned in (and this happens often with “straight” relationships too portrayed in games or movies or whatever when it feels too forced).

otherwise if its done well, it honestly harms no one and affects no one. Too many people get into other peoples business, everyone should mind their own busienss and let people do whatever they want or love/like whatever they want as long as it isn’t illegal (like there are obvious things certain small groups of people like that gets them 15, if you know what I mean). But other than that, too many people care too much about peoples private lives.

Anyway that little rant aside…if its done well then it honestly harms no one. Even if its shoehorned in, doesn’t really harm anyone either. No one is going to die or lose an arm or limb because they see a same gender relationship in a movie or a game or whatever it happens to be.


Who care about your sexual orientation?
If you prefer man or woman, it’s up to you.
Same thing with your religious beliefs…

These things should be private.


They also need to extend the human ethnicities coming in Shadowlands to include Latin Americans. That is a huge market for them.

Now I’m picturing a area like in the movie Coco for Shadowlands. That would be pretty dope actually.