WOW needs more diversity

I mean my logic is “Well if the straights get their cake I want at least a slice too”

Another important scene with Dorian I can’t quite look at because it hits VERY close to home and listening to Dorian sound like he’s on the verge of tears makes me wish that game had hug options. It’s really the only time his sexuality is brought up outside of his silly flirty banter. It gets serious during his personal quest but it’s still done so well that I end up a blubbering baby every dang time I play thru the game.


10 characters


I guess though wow does have those stories though they tend to be hidden away.( only one I can recall is the enchanting quest in legion)

It just feels kinda forced. Their choices are to either turn a character gay or cast a token one. I hope they don’t force the wrathion thing… I mean the whole anduin having the hots for a 4-5 year old dragon is really weird…

I mean if Jaina can bang a dragon why not? They clearly appear at the age they are so even if human years Wrathion is young he’s clearly not for a dragon.

Heck-a no. The only one to make a big deal and feel the need to inform people of their sexual orientation are a majority of those who associate with the LGBT (w/e other letters) group. This will never be normalized, it can be tolerated, but not always accepted. Same as everything else in life.

The more PC companies go, the easier it is for me to boycott them.

Edit: Had to redo my post cause it replied to some random person in the comments. Not sure why.


I love how non lgbt can say that so easily because it doesn’t happen to them. Typical


Aggra made children who iwll grow up to be powerful shamans

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I have no idea what your reply has to do with what I said. Unless you’re talking about my remark on the LGBT community, “never be normalized, it can be tolerated, but not always accepted. Same as everything else in life”. Which is true.

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Oh please. Ya’ll had more tolerance to 50 Shades of Gray than gay stuff.

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Who is “Ya’ll”? XD

and I never watched 50 Shades of Gray. Looked like total garbage. So no…I don’t have tolerance for it, lol.

Edit: Tolerance may not be the right word to use there…but you get it :slight_smile:

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I guess I will be honest if it makes people happy so they stop complaining why not?

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Sorry I just meant non lgbt. I remember big advertisements for that movie meanwhile people try to still hide gay stuff in similar advertisements. It’s stupid.

It’s more “politely asking” most of the time instead of complaining. I’m just impatient so I know I come off as whiny and complainey

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minus 9 / 10

I hardly see anybody trying to hide “gay stuff” anymore. People part of that community seem to almost preen about how they are a part of it and gleefully like to tell you all about there sexual orientation.
It’s a bunch of TMI to me. People want to tell others all about it? Fine. But don’t get mad when others give their opinion.

Edit: Not that I’m saying you’re mad or anything. This is just in general…I mean.


There’s still places in the world that have a death penalty for being gay. I’m just tired of it ya know?

It sucks seeing people have fun with a cake and when I just ask nicely for a slice of it people lose their minds

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I agree! They need to go the route of GW2 and ESO the 2 most healthy mmo’s outside of WoW.


Oh like the majority of straight media isn’t hot garbage as well. Seriously so many movies have to stop because of “romance” and pointless sex scenes.


But then you wouldn’t be woke.


Places with death penalties for being gay has death penalties for other stuff as well. Either way it is bad. Nobody should be killed for things like this, I’m sure everyone here can agree on that.

I personally think the LGBT community sort of shot themselves in the foot over the PC stuff. They took it to such an extreme that people what nothing to do with it just because they are sick of hearing about it.

I agree with this 100%. I don’t watch tv and hardly any movies now because of it.