WOW needs more diversity

I could make my point simple enough that it wouldn’t be misconstrued but I find pointing out the logical inconsistencies with things commonly supported generally causes me more grief then it’s worth.

Long story short you haven’t really thought out how much baggage your dragging with you in a effort to appeal to what it popular at the moment.


I think its pretty clear that human male paladin (Marcus?) in HighMountain was having relations with the tauren couple… a male and a female. I mean , that checks all sorts of boxes. Blizz is on the right track , I would say.

I have friends that are LGBT. We interact just fine, however, they do not demand that I include their lifestyle with mine.


You know I came here expecting this to be about in game race diversity. Pretty much the “oh alliance only has human races and a space goat” and the horde has to many belfs…kinda bummed


Dear god… I play games watch movies to get AWAY from that stuff. I don’t care about the “inclusive” identity politics that has invaded everything. Ugh… I am gay myself and I don’t want that stuff shoved in my face.

How is them being LGBT do their job better? Like a superhero, how is it going to help them fight the bad guys? Is that what is the most defining characteristic part of the person?


Why does a video game need these characters though? It sounds like it would just bring more shippers to the game. Arguably one of the most toxic parts of some communities.


I think Wrathion is a thoughtfully composed personage of alternate liefestyle. Everybody loves him and he wasn’t shoehorned in. I want NPCs to live and breathe, as opposed to being a demand insert.


Didn’t they turn the soldier guy gay too to deflect from a scandal?


And you can stop changing my words. Thats pretty stupid.


That is correct! Soldier 76 loves the boys.

That’s literally what you’re saying though.

We have straight couples in game, but having lgbt couples is apparently too much for you, but you have no problem with straight couples?

That is indeed homophobic. No matter how many “gay” friends you have.

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Being Irish, I feel very underrepresented in-game.

And, before anyone goes there: Brewfest is German themed.


Oh boy, grab a snack guys. This will be an interesting ride.


Yeah… don’t care if we agree, disagree, whatever… but OP is just being immature by changing people’s words and reacting with such vitriol.


I spit out my tea laughing. That brewfest part, you should have not said a thing. Many laughs could have happen.


YEAH! I want my my Italian and Moroccan characters too!

Good gracious I’m a good looking mix of the 2… /looks in mirror/

I snicker every time I see the inclusion posts… every single time. It’s troll topic central. And no, no one should be excluded but Blizz should probably focus on fixing the mess the game(s) is/are in right now… We all want to be included.


Its not at all what I am saying. I am saying people have a right to live how they please, however, they dont have a right to influence everyone else’s lives just because its something THEY want.


Anduin and wrathion. Now we can move on to real issues.

You are ABSOLUTELY right. I support this idea.

I think it would be very nice if you are a lore fan because, despite some love to say, the human relations between characters matters.

… and the fact of pushing away hateful people and homophobes from the game is amazing too. Take my like. :100: :heart:


I missed a good opportunity there.
