WOW needs more diversity

No, it really isn’t often.

What are you talking about? I didn’t even notice this happening. I was too busy laughing at how Ra-den seemed to be going through his emo phase and Mother is purely mechanical when she speaks.

I’m not sure what you’re refering to since I didn’t check every reply, but any kind of put downs are low blows that only display a lack of good points.

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Ok sis :wink:

In this thread:

16 blood elf females vomiting whatever propaganda they’ve been subjected to at eachother.

We need more diversity in forum warriors.


What are you talking about? From my perspective the entire horde is gay.


Tracer was very organic imo. Soldier too. Soldier just had the misfortune of having it happen after the Diablo Immortal thing. Bad timing on that one.

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I think you forgot the rest of the alphabet after the LGBT!

We can not forget all the others now can we?


There’s this new fangled thing called artificial insemination that allows people to procreate without ever even touching each other. At least I think I’ve heard of that at least once or twice.

I mean, I don’t think that artificial additions of “diverse” relationships are necessary in a video game just for the sake of having them to “represent” some real world issue either, but if you’re going to argue against something at least use real reasons.

Thalyssra and Lor’themar have one conversation where it comes off as a hint flirtatious, and Ra’den / MOTHER are comedic relief! The guy gets yanked through an Old God eyeball and grows a tendril for a limb! You’re reaching. It’s bad juju.


From an article I just read in this thing called a “Newspaper” (look it up, millennials :wink: ) There has been more than ONE doctor, who at artificial insemination clinics used HIS OWN stuff instead of “the husband’s” or “selected donars” One doctor infamously to the tune of 70 “offspring.”

One woman even found out that the doctor she was seeing, was in fact her “biological” Father. As you might know, this creates problems down the road as well (70 siblings you don’t know about.)

There was a similar thing with a guy who was a very prolific “donor”, but at least in that case it isn’t someone substituting their own.

I do find it interesting that sexuality does not come up often but WoW does have many themes of romantic love in which sexuality does play a part. Some of those pairings are lore heavy.
Elune and Malorne
Jaina and Arthas
Thrall and his mid life crisis wife

There are a few quest lines about helping with npcs romantic lives. So in a way WoW is surrounded by this expressions of romantic love which default normally to male and female love. That is in its self a form of sexuality that the game calls upon in the Warcraft universe.

What people want to see if more diverse expressions of romantic love. Also not to have to infer they type of relationship these npcs have. At lot of times when we get a romantic love different from male/ female it is done very ambiguously. Are they in love or are they just close friends type of deal. It is a cop out us to play both sides in my opinion.

Theres tons of players out there , nothing to show which gender they really are or into what kinky stuff they are into… use your imagination and problem solved ffs…

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Also just because you’re not attracted to a person doesn’t mean reproduction can’t happen. PLENTY of closeted gay men still had families to keep up that straight image.

Tyrande: HAVE YOU LOVED AS I HAVE?!??!?!

Me: gives a very bored gay guy look at the camera like it’s The Office

how does knowing a virtual person is LGBT enhance my gameplay? Does it make the story better? Make my class play better? Make busted systems better?

I’d much rather have characters being engaging instead of waving their arms going hey im gay! look at me!


Well why does it matter if straight couples in the game do anything? It’s just there for story purposes and I’m rather tired of the same ol story

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You have the entire race of Blood Elves as your diversity characters and they are what 40% of the Horde population? How much more do you need?

Not everyones into twinks

So you don’t have an answer. Forced diversity doesnt make bad things good.

Blue checkmarks think diversity is anything that’s not a straight white male.

I see you are using the American definition of diversity.

Oh do show me where I said I wanted something forced and terrible? Oh wait remember when the dragon soul raid ended on “Oh btw Thrall got you pregnant” or we had to stop fighting Deathwing to go help them get married? Or the time we had to listen to Tyrande and Malfurion in Legion?

Oh no but it’s US that do the forceful thing. right right.