WOW needs more diversity

Keep your clownery out of my games.


you’re literally the reason why the general public has trouble accepting people like me. stop trying to cause arguments over something that truly is not important.

on behalf of every LGBT we don’t claim the OP.


there were some lesbian world quests during legion.

One for example was the First Aid profession quest titled “Fevered Note”

I didn’t realize that a harpy’s kiss was actually poisonous. Damn vixen tricked me.

I know I’m not supposed to kiss and tell, but if I don’t get well soon, I fear this may be my end.

If someone finds this letter, please bring medical supplies and treat my sickness.

And it was a female npc you save who kissed a female harpy:

lastly there was a full fledged lesbian couple during Legion as well:

Legion NPCs Enchantress Ilanya and Priestess Driana

It’s through a Enchanting profession quest chain ( Crossroads Rendezvous) which you help some cursed elves. The enchantress asks you to find her old apprentice and wants you to relay that she forgives her for her old choices. You eventually find the priestess, who by dint of siding with the old leader of the elves, has gained demonic powers and is now a satyr. You help the priestess cleanse herself, which is where the quest takes a romantic turn.

Driana remarks that the spring is a place where her and her master, actually her lover, spent many blissful hours together, and that the love that infuses the place is more potent than the magic that’s cursed her, and the questchain wraps up with you reuniting the two who are both ghosts by now but happy to not be apart any longer.

After my betrayal, I never thought I could bear to look upon my love again. But thanks to you, [name], I can at last return.

You have returned my love to me and for that I am forever grateful.

The main story line in Vol’dun was about us helping a lesbian couple get back together.

Lmao thanks for the notification. Was going to reply to the belf paladin about her statement that gay people are trash to the society like pedos but apparently she took down the post.

I don’t feel the need for Blizz to add LGBT+ character in the game just for diversity’s sake, just look at what they did with tracer, it’s like… They’re just doing it for marketing purpose?

Just like the asian Korean customization option, it’s totally out of the blue and it’s so extra. As an asian gay guy myself, I never look at the in-game human and think “oh I’m playing a white guy”, it wasn’t an issue until they made it one. And the same goes to NPC sexuality too.

And to OP, do keep in mind that the more you request something like this, the more often my all-muslim government can preach about “homosexuality is just a western influence” and how they’re right for setting up conversion camps.

Should spend less time catering and more time fixing warcraft three and shadow lands.

I care more about quality of game design over quantity of varying shades of humans.

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In fact I find it insulting that they put a korean face on it and call it asian. It’s like they have no idea that asia is not a country.

Sigh Look, this again.

And of course, every time this comes up, the attempts at guilt tripping people into agreeing never fails to come up too (“Support me or you’re a homophobe!”).

Every time I see the whole talk about diversity, I think about wo specific characters of another game, Nier. There, Emil and Kaine, two central characters, are not your typical straight or cis character respectively and, you know how the director handled it? By not making a single mention of it besides stating in interviews what they are and only a few lines of dialogue that hints at what they are but they never parade it.

In Yoko Taro’s words: “[Those details weren’t] really a matter of importance, since people like that do exist. I was actually surprised it garnered so much attention after the game’s release”.

I feel he didn’t intend for those details to define the character in any possible way… because things like that don’t define people, and imo, it shouldn’t define characters either.

And let me make something clear. I hate it when blizzard tries its hand at romance, no matter the orientation of those involved, because blizzard can barely handle a story about conflict, when they try romance it only gets worse.

EDIT: Also, they did release a rainbow pin for pride month, I guess you are happy with companies profeteering out of things that, chances are, don’t truly care about.


“Not often” except it is often.

For god’s sake, this expansion we have flirting between a Titanic watcher (Ra-den) and a construct (Mother). And Thalyssra and Lor’themar are practically married with kids. But ok.

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College campus politics don’t belong in WoW, or anywhere really.

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You know, you can really look at people that are really PC as being of much the same sort of moralistic busybody as people that are against gay marriage or abortion. It’s the same sort of thought process, just tuned to a different moral code.

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You’re seriously arguing over a link preview? Try following it next time.

Just to mention, I never think about that, but homophobe or not calling people trash of society like one of the belf lady up there (not calling out name) is too much don’t you think?

Wowpedia is not made by dev’s, dear. Obviousty sexuality it’s not a main thing in the game, but we have this a lot.

READ IT! it gives examples of many types in game. Wowhead isnt made by devs, so what’s your point? Click link = go to different page with information.

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It is all part of the endless cycle of faux outrage. We had this in the 90s but coming from religion. They will never stop but they will change sides in a few years.

I don’t really have a point, it’s a personal point of view, sorry. I only responded you because I thought you wouldn’t respond so fast. Forget i’m here, byeeeee

I simply posted a link. If you follow the link to wowpedia which is the most trustworthy source for WoW story info it list examples of sexuality in the warcraft universe straight, gay and otherwise. You decided to throw a fit about a preview text for a webpage. Now. Instead of faking outrage, go forth and read young one!

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