WOW needs more diversity

You can’t reproduce unless you have heterosexual relations or something that involves male swimmers and an egg.



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And like I said. gay people can still reproduce that way. It just wouldn’t be that fun compared to who they wish to sleep with.

This thread is still a thing?

We should make all the wow characters gay, starting with Greymane. He will now be Gaymane.

Pretty sure homosexuals bud to reproduce.

It’s optimistic of you to think they could write any LGBT character and do them any justice, considering they can barely write straight characters in a way that isn’t nauseauting.

All of the straight power couples in this game are jokes. You have Jaina/Kalecgos, Sylvanas/Nathanos and both are nauseating. Malfurion/Tyrande used to be handled well, and now that’s just meme’d into the dirt post-Legion.

Blizzard’s writing team has the subtlty of a nail bomb thrown through a window and anything they’d try would come off as straight up pandering. I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t want a character associated with any group I’m a part of coming off as a bad punch line.

Including characters for their face card traits is not serviceable to the world or story. Characters shouldn’t be defined by what they are, but by what they do. If they’re added, I hope there’s more to them than ‘they’re gay’, and I don’t think Blizzard is capable of that.

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I would still appreciate an attempt other than some nobody npc. Almost every first attempt at anything will be bad and cringey but those bad moments have to happen so they can get better. That’s just how life goes.

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Except this isn’t a first attempt.

LGBT characters have been written into TV shows and games for years now and a lot of them have been done well, making the characters defined by more than their identity or orientation, defined instead by their actions and how they deal with those consequences.

There’s more media in the world than there ever has been that Blizzard can pull inspiration from and it hasn’t helped them whatsoever, so even when we’re swimming in well-written LGBT characters, I don’t think Blizzard can pull it off.

I meant for WoW in general

Are you trying to tell Anduin isnt gay?

Ugh, not another one of these. Who cares who sleeps with who? There is a literal Old God attacking, infecting, and outright corrupting people left, right and center, and you care about who sleeps with who?

Absolute nonsense.


Why does that matter if it’s WoW’s first attempt? Unless they’re plugging their fingers in their ears they could absolutely take some of the lessons from other stories that have done well and apply that.

But they won’t because the current writing team is sub-par.

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I get ya. I guess I’m just at that weird point of depression where “Hey lets be optimistic about stuff otherwise it’s rock freaking bottom” and I don’t wanna feel sad.

I’m damn sick of the word “diversity”.


Camels are pretty cool.

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Unless they’re doing that gross thing where they basically froth at the mouth

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You’re either new or just not paying attention.
My theory is that NPCs, just like real people in the real world, just live their lives without feeling the need to announce, nay broadcast their sexuality to everyone within earshot.



We should also make sure non-gay characters walk around confirming they’re straight too.

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It’s funny how, for a vast number of LGBTI+ people, diversity only means more LGBTI+ representation. Like, diversity is synonymous with LGBTI+.
It isn’t.

The absolute state of you.

People like OP absolutely cannot see beyond their own needs and it does the cause more harm than good.

And that’s coming from a LGBTI+ individual.

Absolute clownshoes OP.