WOW needs more diversity

They must totally and completely silence anyone who does not agree.

They seem to be on a roll with you. None of your posts are deserving of a report but I was called a homophobe because I don’t want the game sexualized.


Simply being gay is not some lewd thing. Get outta here with that crap


That right there shows you’re not trying to have a discussion and only looking to incite unrest. Your existence no longer matters.

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The only reason I exist is because my mom was assaulted. There’s nothing natural about me. You came off like a total edge lord

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Judging by all of the reports I’ve gotten, it’s either you or that Orc.

Edit: Yeah, it’s definitely the Orc. Weakling.


Why do you assume I am referring to just gay? None of it needs to be in the game. I already posted that.


That is not what social justice is.
Socialism and Social Justice have nothing to do with one another.
That would be like calling Social Studies class in elementary school a gateway class to Socialism.
They share some letters of the alphabet, nothing more.

Where do you get your info?


Then none of our characters would exist because someone would have to bang to make us. So again. That logic is stupid.

Read the bread book

No this is a fantasy game. We create characters in an ingame menu.


I haven’t reported you, but it looks like someone is mass reporting you.
Unless you mean the other Orc, I can’t speak for them.

I meant lore wise. Better not mention any family connections in game. That implies sex happened.

Don’t wear sexy clothes in game. That’ll make someones jibblies tingle and we can’t have that

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Wrong. Social Justice is based on Marxist group think and identity politics. An “oppressed versus oppressor” dynamic. It stems from cultural or structural Marxism, which is literally just Marxism applied to the social sphere, rather than the economy. Hell, Marx pretty much was an SJW of the day.


Of course it implies that it happened. That’s how babies come about.

Newsflash…the stork you watched as a child in cartoons delivering babies is not actually real.

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But that’s sexualization. You don’t want that. Your words. It’s either all okay or none of it is okay.


Next you’ll say that the easter bunny doesn’t hide eggs and superman didn’t wear awesome PJs.

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Because it’s scientific fact. Babies just don’t appear out of thin air.

And gay people can still reproduce. So again your logic is silly. Reproduction can still happen. The parents just might not have that fun a time. But it’s not impossible.

The game goes out of it’s way to do more than imply it though.

And now we get to science
Flex that 6th grade biology