WOW needs more diversity

No one is forcing you to do anything. You willingly pay to play.


And yet whenever this topic comes up all the straights go “REEEE YOU’RE FORCING THIS DOWN OUR THROATS”

God forbid you see 2 seconds of gay


Banging for fun is not the same as “unga bunga must make babies to survive”

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Great Grandma starts laughing hysterically at a family reunion.
Cousin asks “what’s so funny”.
G.Grandma says “you’re all here because I got laid”.
Well played Grandma, well played.


I don’t think you know what that means if you’re calling it magic

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You do know going back basically as far as we can in recorded history we have plenty of examples of people acting outside of “biology” right?
Ancient Rome and Greece pretty much accepted and normalized same sex activities.
I’m too lazy to look up all the details but I think it was the Romans who would basically couple powerful men with younger men and nobody batted an eye. It was part of societal norms for an older man to take a young man under his tutelage and have sex with them.

That’s called being an irresponsible moron, and is far closer to “unga bunga” than “make babies to survive”. The reason it is fun, period, is biological wiring to get people to do it. Otherwise, we’d be far too scared to. It’s how animals do it.

That you think it is all created by an evil patriarchal/straight conspiracy to oppress little old you? That it all boils down to evil white people and men keeping women down. Sounds like “magic” to me, as it is ubiquitous and everywhere.

Humans are Chaos. We are not creatures of reason. Humans can’t be controlled by some all-powerful “social constructionist” plan.

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Bruh no one is saying that. Most of the time we’re just bored of the same relationship over and over and try to ask the writers to do something different for a change.


And pirates. And cowboys. Pretty sure Vikings too if I recall.

Than why does it always take the form of “We need this for ‘Diversity’ and we need to shove out anyone who doesn’t agree/ban anyone who offends us/destroy the oppressor!”? If Blizzard wants to do that, in an organic Tracer-like way, than they will do so. We really don’t need more Soldier 76’s in the game, or anywhere for that matter. Shallow “diversity” has no place in this game, or any other.

There’s no need to start Social Justice brigading to “advocate” for something, and then start shaming/bullying/doxxing anyone who doesn’t toe the line. Like with this thread, for instance.


Not asking for that.

Also lul bullying when it comes to not wanting to put up with the feelings of a homophobe. Oh no not the homophobes. Whatever shall I do? People want me dead for something I have no control over yet they cry like I’m wishing the same thing just for wanting a crumb of gay in something I enjoy.


And I didn’t make the bloody thread

Right how dare I want people to not hate people who had no control over what they’re born as. People choose to hate, they ain’t born that way.

The truth has already driven them to flag down your post.


An ironic sentiment considering all this pushback to “we exist too y’know” seems to be “not here you don’t”
That seems a bit destructive to me

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And you’ve been assuming a lot of things about me so shove off

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Y’know I almost directed you to actual resources on social justice but with that phrase you’re looking a bit far gone dude

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I haven’t reported anyone here either.

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I hate everybody. Always have, always will. Even as a child, abandoned before imprinting could happen and never in a location long enough to pick up traits from any environment, so some are born that way. Who are you to decide? Why is your acceptance more important than their rejection? You’re you. Their them. You don’t have to agree. The villainification of anyone with dissimilar opinions is, imo, the true cause of the hostility and the void that consumes all chance at dialog.

Just because they’re not your friend, doesn’t mean they’re your enemy.

Then again, it’s midnight, I’m bored at work, and may just be talking out my you know what.

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There have been posts in this thread that are clearly homophobic.

Also, how did the internet manage to destroy the idea of social justice by making SJW a derogatory term?
People who fight for social justice are the good guys, just look back at history.


Here’s a cookie