WOW needs more diversity

I don’t care if you are LGBT. You are a horde in a game. I don’t need to know anything about your personal life.


So should they remove all references to non-lgbt relationships as well?
You don’t want “personal lives” in the game, so why did we need to hear about Thrall and Aggra all during Cata, and how Aggra got knocked up?

The game already has plenty of times when it informs us of characters personal lives, and if done in a natural way, being more inclusive and diverse isn’t a bad thing.


You are so wrong it’s not even funny.

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One pregnancy to further a storyline doesn’t mean we need to add a sexuality to a game.

In order to have offspring, people need to do things, those of the opposite sex anyway.

It’s called not being brainwashed by “professors”.

I’ve never even been to college so get out of here with that crap.

But it still implies a heteros personal life so why is that allowed and not this? Oh right because it’s just “icky” to people.

Yeah like straight sex is any better to lgbt players. Do you have any idea how boring that is when you’re not into it?


Yes because just like in life “heteros” need to do things to reproduce.

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And guess what? Gay people can still reproduce with opposite sex. It’s just not as fun.


Oh, okay. So it’s okay as long as it is traditional couple having sex and making offspring.
But what about Jaina and Arthas as seen in the Culling, surely that should be removed. It was a very unhealthy relationship anyway.
Also Jaina and Thrall have a past, and Thrall and Taretha.
Jaina and Kalecgos definitely needs to go, he’s a dragon!

Get all this sex outta my fantasy game!


Diversity is just a code-word for making things horrible.

If it’s not broken, do not fix it. If it’s broken, don’t break it further.

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Which means that, most of the time, they don’t. Heteros, on the other hand, are driven to reproduce as a matter of biology and attraction.

I don’t care about Jaina or Arthas and their relationship. I don’t care about Sylvannas Windrunners personal relationship, Thralls or any of the other characters in wow.

Keep your RL in RL

No relationships, got it

A) Leave real world PC crap out of the game
B) The world is not black and white: disagreeing with you does not make one a hate filled bigot
C) Get a life


Pfft. Driven. More like peer pressure.

Well, it kind of is. Sorry. None of us, not a single one of us, would be here to fling crap at each other on the internet if our parents didn’t do the nasty.

You who callin human? I’m a Belf. Don’t you dare try and clump me with those gnome lovin, rep cheatin, alli scum.

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But the game is forcing all those traditional relationships down our throats and it’s disgusting.

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Simply being born gay is not “pc”