WOW needs more diversity

Not sure about the trans character, probably depends on which faction you pick. I heard of a male npc trying to use “magic item” to change their appearance and gender to get into a certain back room in Morrowwind inn in Vivec, but thats really about it.

But the others, LGBTQ characters, are just from passing comments from the npcs in certain towns and a minor amount of fetch quests and can you find them quests. Far and few between with basic dialogue.

Not even really not worthy actually. No key or main storyline characters, just random people in passing while you explore.

Also, ESO has a certain Khajiit spy (Raz) who is rumored to be as adventurous as WoW’s Marcus (steamy romance novel). But not confirmed. Despite his love for A certain novel starring a maid.

Yeah, my favorite bracket is the 60-69 bracket. Look up “69 twinks wow” in google images for details.


I give your name an A+.

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How do you read it?

Sock felafel? or Sock full of fel?

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it is funny when your guild’s name is “Casually Toxic” , you probably just go around the forums being toxic and telling everyone you are wrong because blah blah blah.

By the way, I didn’t mind reading your posts, I see you post alot and probably is just to feel better about yourself being toxic haha obvious troll

I get it, but I highly doubt the term is a reason for blizzard hating on LGBT like the other poster claimed.

Thats how the joke works.

Blizzard hates twinks, nerfs bears, and pretends lesbians dont exist. They’re homophobic.

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The first. If it’s the 2nd, I will have to downgrade it to a B-.

What makes you think writers compete with developers for their job?

porque no los dos?

Trying to figure out what a sock falafel could be made my brain hurt, which lead to laughing out loud.

And that’s what the OP is asking for. You want to know “forced” relationships: Thrall and Aggra, Jaina and Kalec.

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Someone gets it. Your logic is impeccable.


Ahh yes, Aggra the beard.

Sounds like the start of a really meh joke.

Rabbi, priest, and a frog walk into a bar kinda thing.

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i thought Bladeguard Kaja and Warguard Rakera were a couple? i might be mistaken though…

It sounds delicious.


What do the French have to do with Rabbis and Priests?

Are you picturing a sock full of falafels, or falafels made from a sock?


Uh, he’s a warlock so it’s “Fulla fel”.

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