I mean if they ever did it right. I would not even care.
But Blizzard just turns people gay.
76 all of a sudden turns into a catcher made me go wtf?
I mean if they ever did it right. I would not even care.
But Blizzard just turns people gay.
76 all of a sudden turns into a catcher made me go wtf?
I don’t understand why sexuality is so important. This game isn’t about a persons sexual orientation. It isn’t that in depth of an rpg to really support those types of choices.
This is a game mostly about wars, battles, and politics between two fictional factions in a fantasy game.
Sure. Aggra’s existence so far has been pointless anyways as far as the story is concerned.
The game should be built in such a way that the players should be able to define a lot of the unspoken aspects of the world.
Don’t try to force your non-upgradable stereotypes on us. We’re plug and play.
4.5% of the population.
How about no?
What? probably a troll post at this point.
I don’t know a single LGBT person in real life. Everyone doesn’t.
I don’t go out of my way to NOT know them, I just live in Omaha Nebraska.
Some people may just not go out of their way to tell me, either.
I think of the NPCS, in game, like that. Maybe they are, but it isn’t my business?
I had no idea ESO had characters that were outwardly LGBT. Wow. How does a video game have a “transgender” character? Do they start by making a man character model, then making it look somewhat like a woman? I mean, otherwise how would you know unless the character said so?
Have you ever thought that in real life? I mean, in real life I’ve seen some “trans female” who “passed”, but they go out of their way to say something like “… as a trans female” and then I always think doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose? If they just want to be “female”/feel that they really are a female, why say that?
But, of course, these are always troll threads anyway.
Do you got bluetooth support?
Cool, so are you backwards compatible with previous Playstation games? I would love to play Infamous 2 on current generation.
Do we ever. And it was just upgraded to 4.2.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again.
Blizzard hates the LGBTQ community. Look at how much hatred they have for twinks. They outright banned them from participating in PVP.
Sure! Absolutly! I’d much rather he got together with Jaina, anyway. That woman needs babies and a greater purpose in life, and the two of them are so much alike. And they would be the first Orc/Human couple! It’s “DIVERSE”!
I know you are trying to make a joke, but ironically, you are describing a post-op transgender person. And that’s kinda what this is all about. If it’s okay for mechagnomes, it’s okay for Humans.
Why does it have to be specific?
Do they say “I am Sylvanas Windrunner, the Banshee Queen, and I am straight”.
But instead you want her to say:
“I am Sylvanas Windrunner, lesbian, the Dark Lady and Banshee Queen”
To me , she is never says she is straight and you can assume she is lesbian.
Many characters don’t specify gender orientation, so now you are not asking for “equality” , they are opened to interpretation and you think what you want, but when you ask a gender orientation you are not asking for equality anymore but for personal preference.
I don’t think you know what your talking about, That surgery is pure mutilation.
Yes, despite what you believe, hating lgbt people is homophobia.
TIL disagreeing = hating.
Needs more LGBT characters.
I can’t think of a single LGBT character that wow has.
Not sure it has any. Maybe on Azeroth no one has aberrant sexual behavior, who knows? Or maybe they are all just in the closet.
In comparison, it’s competitor, ESO has loads of LGBT characters
And yet you are here, so has it made the game better?
Get on the diversity wagon already blizzard geez.
Also on a side note, i would LOVE LOVE LOVE blizzard if they would sell rainbow themed merchandise for the up coming pride month. Make it happen blizzard please
This is an interesting idea and could be used for more then just gay pride. A rainbow every now and then never hurt anyone and usually cheers folks up.
I know you are trying to make a joke, but ironically, you are describing a post-op transgender person. And that’s kinda what this is all about. If it’s okay for mechagnomes, it’s okay for Humans.
Have you ever noticed that, at parties, people don’t talk to you much?
I don’t think you know what your talking about, That surgery is pure mutilation.
Mutilation to some = upgrade to others. The same argument can be made for breast reduction surgery. I think it’s an abomination and should be outlawed. Others see it as an improvement.
People like you remind me of Dr. Cocteau from Demolition Man.
My response: “Look, you can’t take away people’s right to be a**holes!”