WoW lull give-away

Let’s do a little give-away shall we?
All you have to do to be eligible is list your favorite WoW encounter, and why. Not limited to boss encounters. Could be NPCs, challenge modes, another player, an entire dungeon, even a quest line.

At the end of your post, just put your preferred option, and a back-up option in case you come in 2nd or 3rd in the give-away :slight_smile:

We’ll go from now until 12am EST on Sunday (Saturday going into Sunday).

Options are one of two mounts, or a toy.

Mount 1: Heart of the Aspects - simply fitting of DF

Mount 2: Steamscale Incinerator - going into TWW, we may need an armored mecha-dragon to fight off some Nerubians!

Toy: Magical Murkmorpher - because who doesn’t love some Murlock action!?

Good luck and let the stories flow!
Disclaimer: winners will be picked at random from wife picking 3 random #'s that’ll correspond to post count :slight_smile:

Edit: winners will give/accept my Btag to become bnet friends so I can just gift you your winnings


Hello I am a gnome. I pick HOI boss 3, I get to do so much hps and don’t have to move a lot. This is the ideal boss for me.

I want the murloc


First! Edited not first lol. Favourite encounter - love rocket event because after this year I never have to do it again!

Edited for my preferences, mount 2, mount 1 and then the pet :slight_smile:


Course you do! Bring everyone down to your height eh?! Lol

Gratz! I think it’s a hideous mount and I’ll never even do the event for that reason alone lol (how many of your 8 are done Qwater? - which one do you want bud?)


My favorite encounter of all time was the Shadow Priest Mage Tower. It was clearly designed with Frost Mage in mind since they have the same boss, but as an Spriest, we didn’t have infinite aoe slows/roots/blinks/blocks, or the necessary burst damage for parts that required it. Took me three days, non-stop, probably 100+ attempts but the feeling I got when finally not messing up a single mechanic and clutching it will remain in me forever. Also I’d pick the toy if I win the lotto :slight_smile:

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Took me about 200+ pulls for the chad bear when it was first released again in SL. I feel your pain lol

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Hahaha, the tank one. Origin of my favorite gif. /Asmondgolddeskheadbutt

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Very cool of you to do this.

My favorite encounter is Echo of Neltharion, because it was the first raid fight i ever did outside of lfr. And i still play with a lot of those same people. I also think the mechanics are really fun, for tank and dps.

  1. Heart of the aspects, 2. Steamscale incinerator

I think a lot of the DF raids are really fun and memorable in terms of mechanics. The last one i really have solid memories of is Uldir.

Was a quick clear in a couple days on normal after not raiding for awhile and then a hot minute before getting AoTC

I have all the stuff so skip me, but I want to participate for the fun of it.

My favorite encounter is Illidan Stormrage in the Black Temple, because it allows me to Roflstomp the Demon Hunter Prime! :smiley:


I don’t think I appreciate your attitude! :open_mouth:


Last season’s climb to 1800 in Solo Shuffle for the elite set mog was some of the most fun I’ve had in a long time.


Ohh fancy pants rich McGee over here…


Which option would you like good sir?

I’m not rich, I’m just some loser in a third world country.

But I’m a very financially irresponsible loser :smiley:


Oh this is so cool! Thanks for doing this.

My favorite encounter is Blackrock Depths. My best friend (who I met in WoW the night before BC launched) and I would run BRD to farm enchanted shards. Him a rogue and me a cat Druid, both stealthing. Sometimes we would take a shortcut through the lava to get to the last few bosses, and hopping in the lava almost killed us every time. So we started calling it “asses of fire” but were scared of being reported if we used the word asses, so we spelled it Assys of Fyre lol. So corny, I love us.

That was during Wrath I believe, and we still talk about it to this day. My best memories of the game were forged with friendship, all the animes were right!!


Heart of the Aspects looks incredible.

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Can I steal this for a guild name I will never make?! Lol
Which option would you like in the scenario you win? :slight_smile:

Got it down


Edit my post with my selections! :slight_smile:

And no keys yet haven’t logged in yet this week hahahha! It’s a push week so will definitely get my 8!!!

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I saw that :slight_smile: thank you! (that’s the order I’d have done as well!)