Granted! lol.
The murloc toy!! Gonna take this shapeshifting Druid to a whole new level of RP lol.
Oops thought I was on my Druid posting.
Granted! lol.
The murloc toy!! Gonna take this shapeshifting Druid to a whole new level of RP lol.
Oops thought I was on my Druid posting.
Warlord Zaela in WoD challenge mode. UBRS was weirdly hard for our group that knocked out Auch gold in our scout run. only Skyreach was even comparable as a hurdle.
Anyway, we’d been struggling on it for awhile and losing focus and were about to call it for the weekend when we had an accidental turbo pull of adds that we managed to get through due to aoe CDs being up and perfect CC use. We basically had laser focus after that and blasted through with time to spare.
Our group had only been doing CMs for a few weekends but our healer and one of the other DPS had spent months with a bad group that had 0 golds and didn’t even complete silvers before this so there was much happy rejoicing in discord. 2
Give it to Rita cuz shes a cool chick, i think shes a chick lol
Well gratz on blasting through! I had just come back or was just leaving when CMs came around and didn’t get a chance to do any i wish i had. I loved the Paladin and Druid sets (although i think i was maining a Rogue currently)
Bronjahm, because his boss music slays.
I don’t want a reward. Go look up his encounter music.
I have to look him up in general lol
I think I have both those mounts, but I don’t have nor want the toy.
I only remember him for his bag.
Im not overly sure how popular or in demand they are (or if theyre even drops or remix buy mounts). I was just scrolling through and liked these 3
One of my first times seeing a Devilsaur was while I was leveling up in Un’goro crater. Doing some quest and I ended up getting chased by the thing. One of the things I’ll always remember. Just seeing a skull where the level normally goes lol
2 then 1
Oh man, hard to pin it to one encounter.
I loved hall of origination in cata because of all the Egyptian stuff and it was really long.
Maybe the guy with the levers surrounded by snakes?
Murlocs are neat btw
Tom Riddle!?
what if i have all of these already.
Dunno sir
well sir your running the giveaway
The Spine encounter in Dragon Soul.
my favorite wow encounter is doing pvp made my first solo kill on my death knight in azsuna
cause i like how did as a horde player gave me self good treatiment why sharing this comment on post
mount: 1
Yes, and those are the rewards can choose to enter based off of those, or let it go if you’ve already got them
You’re disqualified lol
Hello! I am very interested in those things for the give away since those things are a luxury to me!
My favorite encounter was was Blackrock Foundy, precisely, Black Hand fight.
Why I think Black Hand offer the best encounter? It’s a genuine mix of an intense moment. A raid where we repel his weapons and soldiers. The elevator feels as Blackhand shatter floors as the fight progress. In the end, all become desperate, we’re challenge onto the heart of the foundry itself, with an intensity makes you remember the name of Blackhand and why he was such a badass as a Horde antagonist!
opera house in karazhan, with one of the best soundtracks, it’s terrifyingly eccentric, it was like children’s storybook gone wrong
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. welcome to this evening’s presentation!
tonight, things are not what they seem, for tonight, your eyes may not be trusted.
take for instance this quiet, elderly woman, waiting for a visit from her granddaughter. surely there is nothing to fear from this sweet, gray-haired old lady.
but don’t let me pull the wool over your eyes. see for yourself what lies beneath those covers. and now: on with the show!
the mecha dragon is sick
My favorite encounter (stretching the definition a bit) was the entire netherdrake questline in BC. First off, we’d just gotten flying and seeing that first netherdrake fly in was so envy inducing! It was my first of many HOW DO I GET THAT moments in WoW. Secondly, the entire questline has a story that you really care about. Saving the netherdrakes felt important and heroic. Third: The dailies were mostly fun. Bootarang. The peons’ hilarious responses to being booted in the head. Hunting for eggs. It was mostly all fun. And finally the moment when you were rewarded with . . .friendship. Not a mount that you just owned but actual friendship with the netherdrakes! Very cool.
I’ve been playing for a long time and the netherdrake stuff is still my favorite thing ever in the game.
Oh and I’ll take whichever prize is available.