All these summer sales

Ok this was a joke.

But after seeing that there were literally zero shaman pve changes in the beta tuning today.


Its not funny anymore.


The funny thing about being a WoW fan in Brazil is that while you all are having Summer Sales and adding beach themed armor, I am freezing cause when it’s summer in the northern hemisphere it’s winter in the south lol


meanwhile heres a live feed of shamans playing their class.


Honestly surprised it hasn’t happened yet already. That same with druid forms, totems, and paladin mounts

(I’m still miffed I lost and have yet recovered my ability to post images.)

Here to support hiring a shaman dev!

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Thank you, hero.

I’ll still play a Shaman, but I mostly play Resto. And even when others call them bad, I never have any issues healing with a Resto Shaman

It’s wild that Blizzard looked at what they’ve given shamans so far and was like “yeah, that’s acceptable”.

My expectation is something like this:

New on the shop, base horse mount, selection of barding with special bling, $30 for the mount, and $10 per set of barding.

Why it hasn’t happened yet I’m not sure but it seems a no-brainer.

It’s for the 11.0.5 mage and ret paladin reworks.

No, they are to help all the people out who don’t have phones yet.

From what I’ve heard the major complaint about shaman’s is being low on the balance sheet. Anyone and any boss can beat them.

If that’s true they don’t need to hire anyone, just go into the tables (I’m sure this sort of thing is table driven) and buff the talents Shamans already have.

Would that solve the problem or are there other things about Shamans that concern people?

No changes

Poorly designed trees

Poorly designed hero talents

Hero Talents not fully implemented

Hero Talents giving a dps loss

Buffing the numbers to what we have would be an insult. Every other class is getting reworks. Shaman desperately need help. Not just number sliders.

I’m hoping they can hire someone to get a start on cross faction BGs!

Tempest alone has several different issues that would not be fixed by buffing the numbers.
That’d get rid of the “does less damage than baseline lightning bolt, which it replaces” bullet point and that’s about it.

I will say that I personally enjoy Dragonflight Elemental Shaman (can’t speak for the other specs), so I’m not particularly offended if the pre-TWW stuff stays the same, but the Hero Talents are a broken mess (and plenty of other people DO feel strongly about changes being needed for the core spec outside of Hero Talents – a big one that wouldn’t require a massive rework would be swapping Primordial Wave for literally any of the other Shadowlands Covenant Abilities. PWave seems massively unpopular, Chain Harvest seems like the most popular alternative).

shaman working as intended

It’s to earn revenue. To pay people to make content, that eventually people will complain there isn’t enough of, then complain about Blizz selling stuff but also fail to realize… the subscription cost hasn’t increased in… how long? mhmmm.

I recently bought Goldfish crackers at Kroger/Ralphs for 99c per bag. If I bought at least 5 bags! I bought 5 bags. And much more on sale. I save money, Kroger/Ralphs earns money. My kids have snacks all summer. I get a mount in Wow for half price that I’ll never physically own - but think about it. While I own those tasty Goldfish for 99c a bag… once I consume them, they’re gone. Forever.

WoW is perpetual, for now.

It’s all perspective.

Hey who lets you shamans out of our Garrison?? Go back inside and cast rainfall on our herb garden :angry:

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