WoW Loot for Prime Gaming Members: Lil'XT!

My dad owed 2,000 dollars in taxes for having a Prius.

And oddly enough it wasn’t so much a saving money on gas thing as they wanted to get more mileage driving all over the place seeing grandkids

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Thanks Kneeshooter for the reply. My hubby has an Amazon account, doesn’t play WoW, but we don’t need a second account. Like your sister, I use his account when I need ot order something.

And this is the worst thing about constantly using TCG items for promotions, whether you agree with it or not, it leaves the people who already own the items in a situation where they get nothing, i participated in the first pet one (dragon kite i think?) and i didn’t even get a spare in the mail :woman_shrugging:

There are dozens of unused mounts and pets in the game files that they could be using as promotional gifts that would work for everyone, but instead they keep giving away items that a lot of us already have :disappointed_relieved:


Ew, Amazon.

I’d like to see someone actualy link that.

Out of all the Prime items I have yet to see them on my screen attached to Twitch unless it is an actual Twitch item and not a Prime item.Every Prime item I have gotten last few months said nothing about Twitch being linked.

Just looked at, I don’t have Twitch linked and am still getting the Prime rewards, I really don’t think Twitch is neccessarily required.

Yep. If you go to the Prime Gaming link it tells you how to link your bnet account to claim the rewards. There is absolutely nothing in regard to Twitch or linking a Twitch account. The FAQ on the Prime Gaming redemption doesn’t mention Twitch either. I do not know why Blizzard is telling people to link bnet to Twitch when it’s not required. Maybe trying to force twitch engagement?

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I’m happy for the people that are getting TCG pets, mounts, tabards and toys they didn’t have or store swag they didn’t buy but I haven’t really benefited that much.

I didn’t have the dragon kite pet or the toys. Every thing else I’ve already owned :slightly_frowning_face:

New World of World of Warcraft.

Perfect. Sounds like a hit.

I think that’s pretty much what it is honestly.

Not unlike their posting issues on Twitter before anywhere else.

Not everyone wants those or uses and shouldn’t have to be made to feel they do to get news or items.

And from what I’ve seen with Twitch items is there’s been several complaints about doing exactly what they ask and players still not getting items only to be told , “it’s not an us thing you have to complain to Twitch or vise versa.”

As for some folks whom have almost every pet or mount in game …sorry folks you won’t get something shinny and new but hey those of us that have it already have had our fun with either pet …toy or mount…don’t belittle the offerings just cause you already have it…for some of us its going to be like this cause we already have huge collections…and I am one of them with XT…already had the little one…

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oh no i didn’t get a free thing i already had

who cares

I have owned all of them so far i think :disappointed_relieved:


Well, i’d imagine all of the people that don’t get to participate in the new promotions. There’s no reason to be mean about it, its not like I’m here making QQ threads about it or anything, i just think it sucks that they don’t use some unused mounts/pets from the game files that already exist, that way everyone’s having some fun :woman_shrugging:


i guess i just don’t understand being upset that somebody else got something you already have. you already have it! you should be happy you already have it!

Yeah I don’t see why requesting this is SO TERRIBLE.


I’m not upset, and I’m happy that people are getting new stuff, i just think it’s a shame that they don’t use some of the dozens of unused mounts/pets etc that are already sitting in the game files going to waste, why not use some assets that none of us have so we’re all getting some new toys? I don’t think it’s an unreasonable position to take.

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Many of those so called mounts …pets or toys sitting in files are maybe for future uses now, you know up coming new Expansions…new promotions…some that are in game but can’t be handed out cause of specific laws and rules from past promotions won’t allow them too.

So you didn’t get a new shinny this month …boohoo…deal with it…some of stuff being given out with Trading post I already had but I didn’t complain…I’ll just hold onto my trading post coins for something in the future…

Keep em coming and I will redeem anything and everything they offer…

I’m ok with this, even though I already had a few of the items they’ve been offering. I suspect the # of us that already have it is small compared to the # that don’t. I’m glad they get the opportunity.

It shows I claimed this but it isn’t showing up in my pet tab. I have this pet already and wonder would that keep it from showing up? I have a lvl25 already . Would it matter? Logged out, cleared cache(s) etc.