WoW Loot for Prime Gaming Members: Lil'XT!

Yeah? And?

They’re still doing the OVERALL promo. There’s no reason it couldn’t be “during this promo, claim any one of these rewards.”

FOMO is dumm

A fine pet that i already have, i hope many people that don’t have it already get it now.


Most people support it.

Most people DON’T support it.

Wow, you’re right! That was easy!!

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When rain refills reservoirs and aquifers, yes, the cost of water (and reservation of its use) typically go down in most locales.

They’re putting out these promos because people engage with them.

By all means feel free to protest them by not claiming the free rewards, though.

I feel this should have been Landros Lil Xt and not Lil Xt.

As someone who has Landro version and not the store version I should be happy (I actually am happy) but I don’t think it’s right and setting a bad precedent:

  • Store stuff being on the trading post had no real negative effect on people that already had it; Means they could use the limited tenders on other stuff.
  • In this case Lil Xt is unique meaning if you already brought it, tough Sh… Landro is not so if someone like myself already had one I would now have 2 and could sell other on auction house or keep both.

TL;DR: If its free it’s for me but this should have been Landro version

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This isn’t even the first shop reward available from promos.

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What ISN’T a fact, is that word “most” you flaccidly used last time.

And just because “some people” engage with a system, doesn’t mean IT’S ANY GOOD or that it can’t be IMPROVED.

Lots of people eat Fast Food. Do you need me to continue … ?

Refresh my memory if you could?

SOOOOOOOOO much this.

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The ugly deer thing.

Windsteed or something.

Point taken, thought that was a trading card mount TBH :stuck_out_tongue:

This example (Mounts) are a different one though IMO cause you can only collect one no matter where you got it from, maybe though should just re-color them for promotions.
BUT yeah I will concede that; if I had owned it, I’d be a bit salty.

Yeah, I guess it might be slightly different because that one was removed from the shop.

I was thinking an easy way for them to “fix this” would be; If you already own the mount/pet because you brought it and can’t claim a new one, instead it gives you some blizz balance.
It’s not a direct refund and probably a lesser value to what was paid but at least you would get something

That’s silly. Because they’re just trading in DIGITAL goods. Which doesn’t cost them anything.

It’s why restricting anything about it is so stupid. What are you trying to say… they “RAN OUT” of the previous item? The warehouse was empty??

None of this applies to digital items.

So you’re asking them to give you MONEY … for a non-tangible item.

I know it’s GD but be a little serious.

Why is it silly? If you already brought the item there is no way they would give you back a refund when they give it to free for everyone else.

grrrrrrrrr from new zealand!!!

Some states have really stupid backward laws. It sounds straight out of some dystopian young adult book.

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It’s not totally fair to mock this.

Some accountant somewhere determines how many cars are on the road, what it costs to MAINTAIN the roads (something people take for granted), and then spits out a formula that gets added to gas taxes since … it seems obvious: if you drive a car ON the roads, you should put in your fair share to PAY for the upkeep of those roads.

That’s how taxes are used for good.

But then you introduce electric cars, which is a relatively new thing. 100 eCars and… who cares? 1000? I guess… same thing.

At SOME POINT … it DOES MATTER. And the amount of eCars on the road DOES contribute to the fact that they’re “using the roads for free.”

And that’s not fair, is it?

Roads need upkeep… anyone using those roads should help pay for it. In 2023, it doesn’t matter if it’s gas, electric, or “other.” If you drive on the roads, some way or another, you’re gonna get taxed.