WoW killed itself for raiders over 7 years

Titanforging was literally begged for, cheered on, and even ANNOUNCED AS being primarily aimed at the casual playerbase. Sorry you don’t want to accept that BASIC FACT because it conflicts with what you want to hear.

That isn’t spinning, that’s telling you exactly who is to blame. Sure, you can ignore it all you want, you’ve been doing that enough in your replies. Doesn’t change the fact of the matter this was a problem casuals created, not the raiders.

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Raiding is the least rewarding its ever been.


At the time Titanforging came out, developers explained that they don’t want higher geared players to be hesitant to run lower level content with lower geared players because there would be no chance of getting an upgrade.

While I believe the developers were being mostly disingenuous, it points to the truth: Developers intended to use Titanforging as a means to encourage upper end players to run all sorts of content repeatedly in hopes of a BiS item. Casual players do not typically repeat content in expectation of getting some rare, minor power gain.

9.0 Stygia for sockets and conduit upgrades, and 9.1 Torghast conduit upgrades and Korthia research socket and conduit upgrades were intended to work the same way.

Developers know that raiders will grind for hours for even a slight power advantage, or a chance thereof. Casual players are not even on the developers’ radar when they develop such systems, because they would prefer more reliable power gains.


Just let solo players continue to upgrade the covenant sets. Seems a lot of people have tons of spare anima currently. Let them use it to upgrade those sets. Who knows, now that titan forge, and war forge have been gone for awhile now, maybe they can start to figure out how to make things like wq’s fun, and rewarding without raiders feeling like they are forced to do wq’s hoping some item would forge. Hope they can figure out it anyhow.


Titan-forging Is gone, moving on.

Your constant personal attack on me tell of an agenda you are pushing. You change form to try and accomplish this constantly. You speak objectively about things that are not. You lay blame where blame cannot be layed without lies. You are a liar.

I think you want to manipulate the minds of everyone to believe the things you say.

“His mouth is filled with cursing and deceit and oppression; under his tongue are mischief and iniquity.”


This attitude is why wow is dying.



I do my thing in the game. What do I care what gear other people are wearing? It has no bearing on me whatsoever.


Down with raiders!


I would like to see them try that in the next expansion lol. A expansion with nothing but raids. No outside of instanced content whatsoever. What could go wrong :crazy_face: Might not be the final nail in this games coffin. Probably be more like driving a stake through Dracula’s heart. Then watch wow turn to dust :rofl: Make it happen Blizz lol.

+1 wish I could like this more than once.

Since I can’t, I vow to continue to bump this thread up until it’s sitting in Blizzards kitchen.

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I’m going to be interested who ends up in charge of wow when Blizz goes into chapter 11.

maybe someone from Sony will get the job…

The last three expansions have seen a massively diminished importance on raiding in WoW’s endgame with the introduction of systems like M+, SL’s change to PvP gearing and the removal and/or diminishment of the power of raid exclusive items, like tier sets and trinkets in SL especially.

Clearly that is the devs desiging the game exclusively for raiding.

But this is General Discussion, so raiders bad. Updoots to the bottom right.


Don’t tell Dormazain that. Or he might spew more of that red diarrhea at everyone :laughing:

… huzzah!!!

Ah, so you’re not a raider then. We’ve had to jump through more and more hoops every single patch/expansion to raid with the same effectiveness. The latest RNG fiasco with the Shard sets didn’t help things, either.

It’s such an unbelievably naïve perspective to think this game is catered only to raiders, like we exist in some magically better version of the expansions.


That’s not a bad way to describe it.

But you know what, I like small group organized content. It’s so much easier to actually set up and do than trying to work around 20, 25, or 40 people’s schedules.

Well, that’s not a “raid or die” issue. WoW raids have had a near-immaculate track record of being the best content this game has had to offer so there’s always a formula the devs can stick to, but when it comes to casual content they’re usually trying something new that just flops and gets abandoned in favor of the next new thing.

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Druids? Try “almost every single caster in the entire game and probably a bunch of other specs too.” Top MM Hunter on Mythic Argus used an Arcanocrystal and Aman’thul’s (which was literally just Daddy Arcanocrystal) and an overwhelming amount of logs are Aff Locks or Shadow Priests that are using one of an Arcanocrystal or Aman’thul’s with a few that aren’t using either. All the Enhancement Shamans were using Arcano as well. Oh, and all Fury Warriors were running CoF because why wouldn’t they be?

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Yes, I agree that shards are awful for raiders, because of the grinding and RNG involved.

But shards are even a worse incentive for the general population because we can barely participate at all. Raid Finder is there but is overtuned considering the audience that it should have been meant for (195+ item level).

All content in 9.1 is currently designed either to not infringe upon raiding rewards, or to provide supplementary rewards for raiders. But as I implied above, this doesn’t mean that the game is great for them.


Raiders have to jump through a ton of hoops to keep their characters ready for raid–and have for awhile.

There are a lot of people that would prefer to be able to raid log but that is considered detrimental these days.

I think bad design is just bad design in this case. They’re trying to force more people to do more things rather than simply letting them focus on what they enjoy.