WoW killed itself for raiders over 7 years

I agree wholeheartedly. I am not raider by any means, but from my impression most raiders do not want the grinding, timegating, and RNG that these systems bring about (in addition to the grinding, timegating, and RNG that is inherently necessary for gear progression through raiding).

My point is that devs are paralyzing themselves with these gear and power systems because they mistakenly think that 9.1 (and SL overall) is good for the game because it is good for the serious raiders, when it is in fact good for neither.

Devs are absolutely refusing to address gear and power issues. Are they afraid the raiders will cry bloody murder about the raid being devalued? Or do they think people will unsub too soon if they can get geared too easily?

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It canā€™t be because they think raiders will complain because they already are and have been for years. I honestly donā€™t know how the devs can think its good design with so many years of consistent feedback to the contrary.

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I canā€™t stand raiding honesty. Itā€™s too time-consuming and I enjoy M+ and PvP a lot more.

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On balance, raiders have the best designed and best crafted content in the game, expansion after expansion. On balance, they also get the best gear with generally the best graphics.

What exactly more do raiders want?

Thereā€™s a reason why a large portion of the player base think yā€™all are spoiled babies.


The only thing raiders hate about dom sockets is that there isnā€™t a way to mitigate bad RNG getting the socketed gear. If they had given us tier tokens to trade at a vendor for domination gear like they did the Nathrian weapons, the system would be fine.

The same as everyone else wants. To have the game not feel like an endless list of chores outside the content I want to play in order to open mandatory borrowed power systems. I want to raid on a couple toons. I donā€™t have time to raid AND chase renown, conduits, legendaries, find a group for a high key for the GV, and still raid as much as Iā€™d like.

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They also spend the most time doing the biggest range of content at higher levels than most people do so there is thatā€¦ I havenā€™t raided in shadow lands but when I was raiding in bfa my guildies were getting pvp rating up for the pvp chest (I personally donā€™t like pvp so I didnā€™t) and doing all dailies to get maximum horrific visions. Including being on on a Saturday to get the double dailies before and after the zone flipped and farming islands and raiding on mythic and heroic and farming m+. Oh and some people were farming gold to buy boes too for millions.

Is there a reason that people who do all that shouldnā€™t have the best things?

Because they donā€™t see the time and effort raiders put into it. That is the reason

Not exactly true to be fair, many non-raiders spend a ton of time on the game, often moreso than the raiders, especially raid loggers.

So thereā€™s that.

But as you admit, if you have the best content and rewards, why all the whining?

What more do you want?


If you do not want to play certain types of content, why should your gear be any good for those types of content (dungeons, open world, pvp)?

I also love how you specifically avoid the key part of my post.

Nice duck.

What did I avoid? The what do raiders want? Usually to not need to farm the hell out of insanely easy content such as world quests, mana pearls and Islands in order to be as strong as possible for the actually challenging content that we want to do. If we could have donā€™t a harder island for higher rewards we would have for example. The mythic islands were insanely easy and doing hundreds of them was horrible.
People who raid log have worse gear than those that donā€™t and often hold up progression much to the frustration of people who do the extra trivial boring stuff solely to aid progression. 1 or 2% wipe? Yep blame the people who havenā€™t done dailies to upgrade their dom sockets or donā€™t have the extra sockets etc

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As I said above, if you do not want to play certain types of content, why should your gear be any good for those types of content (dungeons, open world, pvp)?

Hence, my original post in this thread.

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Raiders donā€™t want thier gear to be good so they can kill batā€™s faster. They want to kill the end boss. Unfortunately they need to kill 15 batā€™s a day and find 7 bushes with berries on every day for a month in order to upgrade thier gear to do content that is actually challenging.
You think raiders wanted to farm out over 100 islands the week the new raid releasesd? No we did it because we wanted out necks to work for th gear to kill the end boss

Why not just kill the bosses in lesser gear like the better guilds?

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Because Iā€™m not as good as them obviously what a silly question

Another way to view what youā€™re saying is non-raid content is sadly neglected, poorly designed, trash content, which is part of the premise of the OP. Basically, the fealty to raiding has hollowed out the game.

But unlike the OP, you just donā€™t care, as long as you donā€™t have to do it.


/Sigh no they donā€™t. This has nothing to do with raiders or otherwise. This has everything to do with mop and wod.

Blizzard is unable to pump out actual content at a pace that will keep either group subbed for extended periods (end of mop was like a year long). So they lose a lot of subs.

So they decide they need to introduce numerous and infinite grinds that arenā€™t actually content. Grinds that are doable easily by raider or casual alike and gives slight power gains.

Itā€™s literally time played metrics. They want people to ā€œhave something to doā€ without actually giving them good stuff to do. Blizzard tried to cater to everyone without listening to anyone. Raiders or casuals alike.

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No I havenā€™t said or implied that anywhere. I am saying that the game isnā€™t well build for raiders at the expense of casual players they way people claim on here because it isnā€™t well build for raiders period. The raids are good not the rest of the stuff raiders do. Raiders are not happy with how things are so how are blizzard appeasing raiders?

Itā€™s basically summed up by this

No one is benefitting and somehow blizzard has been fortunate enough that instead of raiders and casuals alike pointing the finger at blizzard for their poor design they are for some bizzare reason pointing to each other which makes no sense and takes the heat of blizzard


Maximizing Shareholder Value.

The design principles are to do one thing and one thing only: to maximize short-term shareholder value.

It is totally irrelevant if the game suffers because of this.

Completely obtuse argument.

"The game canā€™t cater to raiders at the expense of casuals ā€¦ because raiders donā€™t have everything their hearts desire. " ā€“ paraphrase

What a silly notion. Whether or not the game happens to cater to raiders at the expense of casuals is not dependent on the satisfaction of raiders. The premise could very well be true AND both groups could be miserable, perhaps because of incompetent development.


Oh, most players know or can imagine the time, effort, skill, and coordination required to raid at a high level. And that is exactly why we canā€™t, or donā€™t want to, sacrifice our sleep, personal time, psychological comfort, and gaming preferences to raid above LFR.

Raiding should be its own reward because you enjoy it. But as it is in 9.1, developers decided that gearing and progression in the entire game had to be broken so that raiding gear could be the most powerful.

Why could Torghast not drop gear, and the SoD raid have its own research tree to make you more powerful over time as you raid, to give raiders the progression that they crave? Could it be that raiders do actually insist on having the best gear in the game, despite saying that they donā€™t care about what gear world quest Andy or Andrea earns from doing the Flappy Birds world quest?

Note: You seem very reasonable, Avelpally, so I mean this in reference to the raider audience that the developers had in mind when creating systems for Shadowlands.