WoW killed itself for raiders over 7 years

Sure thing.

Imagine being so embarrassed by your parses you actually link someone else’s char :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

i think raiding with a side of m+ is the core of wow.

if i wanna do solo fool stuff i’ll play skyrim or something.

maybe kerbal space program :wink:

It kind of is ironic when I can dig up posts of you saying not to care about small DPS increases or min/maxing with a quick search, only for you to be in here arguing that a small DPS increase is what’s ruining the patch for you

Herro friend.

^ You are here.

Feel better now?

Actual desperation, implying I’d just pull some random Shaman.

I mean that one you linked wasn’t super impressive anyways.

Still doesn’t have anything to do with how you play a Druid

I feel great.

You’re still reaching.

You’re still hiding that main :+1:

^ This is you.

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Dude, imagine replying to a 2440 io player and saying “Yeah, he probably doesn’t know how to play his class”. You’re absolutely reaching bro.

And as far as parses, my all-star was substantially higher than yours. I don’t even know what you’re trying to accomplish here. You are absolutely getting demolished here. At least Ddzz has some actual merits to his posts, lol. Trying to attack my performance in-game has absolutely failed you in every possible way.

It cracks me up that its always other people trying to pick a fight with me in terms of performance and then them quickly trying to turn around and justify themselves.

Choosing to gimp myself on my bear doesn’t mean I want to gimp myself on all my other characters. My shammy was my “sweaty toon” last tier. But now if I want to keep up with my bear and my shaman, my bear now being my raiding toon this tier, I have to grind chores on both. Why would I possibly be happy with that?

I’ve just had to pull the plug on my Shaman and focus on my bear, and that’s not fun for me. I like playing multiple characters in a patch. The “oneitus” of this patch has sapped a level of enjoyment out of it for me.

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In the wise words of, checks notes, Sentenza!

when it was raiders having to settle for “close enough,” you were excited about it and it was good design. but now, if M+ gear is “close enough” to raid gear (which, as we’ve gone over, it absolutely is) but not quite as good (within 2% in this case), something’s wrong.

In other words, you favored optimization not being attainable when it was going to make the raiders “suffer,” but now that it’s not the raiders “suffering”

Here, you’re totally fine that raiders would have to maintain multiple characters to chase those small optimizations, but now that you might have to do a little extra to be just 2% more optimal in M+… it’s a problem? all this fuss for a ~2% difference?

“WoW will never be a game that supports a player being 100% optimal in all content with one character.”

yet… you’re trying to chase 100% optimal gear while playing a single character in a single game mode.


Seems like you’re just a hater lmao. That was the quickest search of my life, too. Looked up the word “optimal” on your profile and bang. I’m sure there’s a ton more if I tried terms like min max or “tryhard.”

anyway, ggwp. enjoy the day. sorry for doing this to you.

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That comment was from more than a year ago, before I Mythic Raided and before Blizzard made a paradigm shift in terms of how they approached PvP.

I was wrong. I’m not “a hater”, I was just mistaken at the time.

You can search my post history, I’ve said I thought it was dumb when we killed Mythic Council and didn’t get a single upgrade. Obviously there’s a degree of bad design going on there when enough of the best loot is coming from other sources and undermines the progression system. Especially so when it comes from “trivial” content.

Imagine a 2440 io player parsing greens in heroic :man_shrugging:t3:

Logs don’t lie my guy.

Further proof mplus is easier content.

I’m not getting demolished at all. I never claimed to be good at the game. I said you weren’t worth the other guys time because you parse greens in heroic. Nothing I said was false

You then got super triggered.

I wasn’t even responding to you and then you got triggered :joy::man_shrugging:t3:

are parses even representative?

you could make friends with a couple priests and get a bunch of PIs and parse well :stuck_out_tongue:

Irony because you’re the one who doesn’t know anything.

Keep em coming. It’s very entertaining.

Parses with PIs get flagged IIRC.

You can do stupid stuff like keep adds up to allow people to pad etc. WCL does a good job of removing non-relevant data like damage that’s healed or damage on targets that despawn.

However, it’s mostly useful for middle-of-the-pack broad strokes. Someone with actual grey/green parses is either substantially undergeared or playing their class wrong. And someone with purple and orange parses is probably a pumper. Nobody really cares about pink or gold parses as a metric for true performance though - beyond legendary it devolves into a padding mini-game.

The PIs wouldn’t change the ilvl to overall disparity.

More important than just the parse itself is when its been achieved. During progression, most guilds are happy with people in the 60%+ range throughout an entire bosses progression because it means they’re either voluntarily dealing with mechanics or they’re being more mindful of the mechanics than sacrificing damage taken etc for their numbers. Worrying about a perfect execution of your rotation instead of everything going on around you will usually lead to significantly more wipes than the perfectly executed rotation will save. It’s very rare that getting 95%+ on a progression kill is a good thing, because it either means you didn’t get targeted by anything and didn’t do anything other than your rotation or you probably ignored a bunch of things and made somebody else do it.

The guys that get those numbers and also do mechanics are just on a different level and are few and far in between. I do a ton of my raid calls and healing CDs, so I’m kind of stuck in blue purgatory during progression. Used to be able to average a lot higher on prog because I was just focusing on my own damage, but the path to my guild doing better doesn’t involve me just doing my own rotation anymore :smiley:

If you’re stuck at 60% or so after farm periods, that’s a different story. But like, right now when we look at applicants… if we see somebody who is 3 or 4/10M with 5 or 6 kills and averages 90%+, it kind of doesn’t matter because they’ve had a lot of cracks at the easy bosses to get it. Median is kind of a fix for that, but still doesn’t tell everything.

But PI is also annoying because if you play a class that is supposed to get PI but you don’t get it, your %s are going to be skewed regardless of WCL putting a * by the logs that get PI. I hate that stupid ability.

Ion Hazzikostas is actually trolling if it doesn’t get deleted or reworked substantially in 10.0.

Right, I’m talking about equivalent IL pieces, which amounts to ~5% increase in dps with shards in m+. You could make the same argument to say that 246 m+ trinkets aren’t that much of an upgrade relative to non-BiS mythic trinkets, and therefore raiders don’t have to farm m+.

Also, the combination of raid weapon + trinket for my spec is particularly better than any combination of m+ items in those slots. But having one trinket be BiS from m+ for raids (or vice versa) isn’t really that big of a deal… it’s when it’s two raid trinkets + weapon + shards all being superior for m+ that just feels bad for someone who has zero interest in raiding.