WoW killed itself for raiders over 7 years

So your guild sucked and you did a bad job recruiting. Why are you pretending every guild was like yours lmao. Attitude reflects leadership, friend.

It’s still absolutely baffling to me that people are arguing over this raid loot vs M+ loot thing.

Almost every single raider is wearing about 50%+ Mythic+ pieces, whether it be valor or from the weekly box. There are people who pretty much exclusively do M+ and are maybe 3/10M which are the puggable bosses that have identical iLvl to me, and I’m 9/10M about to kill Sylvanas tonight.

If you only do a few odd keys here and there and don’t do anything else that offers max iLvl loot, of course you will be a lower item level than someone that raids and does weekly M+, but that’s because you’re putting in significantly less time and effort into gearing than that person.

The 10 man guild I lead in Wrath was awesome. We had one server first and got all the achieves. Then Blizz hamstrung 10 man raid guilds like mine. My guild in Legion was pretty good but definitely some whiners there. Had to take a break from that to study for my professional boards. Not sure the game has been worth the trouble after Legion.

But if you are somehow suggesting this game is not filled with a bunch of manchildren with ego issues then you are not a very good judge of character in my opinion.

The OVERWHELMING amount of “manchildren with ego issues” I see are on these forums. Very rarely do I have any negative encounters in game but especially not in raid. When I do, it’s usually in something like LFR or some queueable content. It is 100% within the guilds control to determine who is and isn’t allowed in the guild, and if you allow people who are bad personality fits (like the people you are talking about) to enter that guild, it’s your own fault.

I’ve been raiding for 10+ years and can count the bad encounters I’ve had with individuals on one hand. Simply put, guilds like that just don’t survive. They die.

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The irony.

This is not even remotely believable. You can’t do this in any sphere of life, let alone in a game like WoW, which is well known for its toxic game community.

Do you really expect anyone to believe you?

You already have a 252 Weapon. There is absolutely no shot getting the 252 weapon from the raid would be a noticeable upgrade.

I also ran a little sim for you

Gear Compare - Atrumn - 8,006 DPS - Raidbots

If you were to have all 3 of the DPS domination sockets, you’d only gain +42 DPS, which is about 0.5% of an upgrade. However, you could also farm out your sockets sockets and put regular crit gems in for a gain of +126, or 1.6%. Remember the domination bonus is only active in raid, so don’t worry about what it does if you aren’t gonna raid.

So don’t feel too bad about not having them :slight_smile:

I’m talking about in the raiding guilds I’ve joined, and it really doesn’t matter to me if you do? If you’re careful about what guilds you join, it is pretty easy to avoid toxicity. If you just join the first guild that will take you, then what do you expect?

I have an overwhelmingly positive experience with raiding in organized raiding guilds. In 10 years I’ve raided in about 5 different guilds, and none of them had anything close to the vitriol this forum specifically spews about raiders.

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Because you still have your head in raider land. Take a second, stop, breath, and look at this from the view of literally any other player.

Imagine someone wants to play just M+ for instance. Okay? Got that? So they play M+, and they do the content, they get their 252 Vault pieces and their 246 Valor pieces and they’re moderately happy. But then as they start climbing up in keys, 19, 20, 21, whatever, they start seeing people running these Domination Socket pieces. This is a form of power they don’t have access to currently. Now they have some options here - they can start grinding out heroic PUG raids for gems and embers and 239 socket pieces, which is totally doable, they can applying to guilds and force themselves through Mythic raids for 252 dom socket pieces as well as the mentioned gems and sockets and embers to upgrade those gems (and maybe they do end up having fun, but maybe not)… or they can just accept they’re perpetually behind which may alienate them from the game.

It’s just another annoying chore added to the game for everyone else. It’s not “the literal end of the world”, but it’s another chore to do. It’s exactly what I predicted before this patch came out - it would simply be another chore you have to do. Do your heroic raid every week for those embers, even if you don’t care to raid.

All this contributes to the patch being alt-unfriendly as well. So you’ve got these chores, and you may not even have the time to keep on top of this ember grind on all your alts… so maybe you just stop playing your alts altogether. And that sucks. If this system didn’t exist, you could happily play alts much in the way you did in 9.0, but now you can’t without accepting a perpetual handicap that you can never overcome from strictly playing M+ for the next 6 months.

All this will probably be water off the ducks back though. You don’t actually care to understand. You want everyone to think the way you do and see it from your point of view, even if they’d sooner quit than do that.

Just saying things that are obviously stupid and then trying to walk them back with “what I really meant was…” is not a winning formula.

But I am glad you never experienced guild drama. You must be the only one.

You’re conflating so many things. You’re going on these tangents about alts as if raiders don’t also want to play alts. Raiders want alts more than key pushers do lmao. That’s completely irrelevant to what I’ve said and is just more word vomit coming from you.

Imagine someone wants to play just M+ for instance. Okay? Got that? So they play M+, and they do the content, they get their 252 Vault pieces and their 246 Valor pieces and they’re moderately happy. But then as they start climbing up in keys, 19, 20, 21, whatever, they start seeing people running these Domination Socket pieces.

Domination gems are not going to prevent anybody from doing keys at that level. You are obsessing over it because you feel entitled to have what everyone else has even though you don’t want to do the content to get it. It has nothing to do about the efficacy of the gems. I’ll show you the gem I just shared with that other guy;

Gear Compare - Atrumn - 8,006 DPS - Raidbots

that’s the difference between farming out normal sockets and him getting the 3 DPS gems. regular sockets are a bigger upgrade than the domination gems without the set bonus that only activates in raid

You are arguing a non-issue. Gear acquisition for M+ players is pretty much on par with raiders up until the raid has been fully farmed out for months.

You literally cannot cry about being behind when you’re a single item level lower than me at 3/10M while I’m 9/10M. To put it another way, you have 4 mythic boss kills of the first 3. I have 28 mythic boss kills of the first 9. And we are 1 iLvl apart.

Your argument has blown up in your own face multiple times already. You aren’t using proper statistics to back your argument. You aren’t looking at the reality of the iLvl curve between M+ players and raiders, and you aren’t considering that raiders generally will have a higher item level because they do both forms of content

You’re wrong in so many ways but you can’t help see yourself type so you won’t shut up.

And what’s crazy is is that you don’t even see how much M+ raiders have to do to get the iLvl we have.

I don’t have a 252 weapon without doing M+
I don’t have two good trinkets without grinding Plaguefall and THOP in M+ and the valor to upgrade them.
Half of my offpieces wouldn’t be 252 if I didn’t do M+ every week
hell, the only pieces I have left to upgrade are from the raid that I can’t select from the M+ vault options since they’re dom sockets because raid loot isn’t anywhere near as common as you think
I’m 9/10M, well ahead of the curve of the overall raiding scene.

The concept of having to do multiple game modes is not new. It’s also not something you “suffer” from, because you are clearly nearly maxed out while one game mode. You are not suffering. Quit being a spoiled baby.


Raiding normal content as a gm doesn’t mean anything. And I’m being gracious assuming you can even do normal.

Unfortunately for you I have been.

The same thing can be said about the mage tower.

End of the day it wasn’t super hard content.

Maybe for you because it’s assumed you’re bad but it really wasn’t.

Imagine simming the benefit of cor on a 4-minute patchwerk. Lol. Also, you’re intentionally taking out his highest ilvl high-stat pieces and replacing then with 239s.

You can play a 239 gloves and 239 bracer and still get the full benefit of Cor and Dyz with minmal stat-loss. You can run 246 chest armor and 246 shoulders from KT/Sylvanas instead of 239 to minimize the stat-loss while still getting those slots.

A 1-minute hectic add-cleave with 246 chest and shoulders and 239 gloves and bracers would do a much better job simulating the benefits, and I don’t even really have to sim it to know I’m right, it’s just common sense that bans out in practice and is validated by RIO profiles of top players.

Are you dumb?

I’m replacing them with Heroic pieces because

that’s what you brought up. I’m not going to run a sim with him decked out in Mythic gear at this point in the patch cycle because that isn’t realistic for somebody that doesn’t want to raid. He’s not going to go from 0 boss kills total to 10/10 on Heroic overnight. He can, however, start farming sockets whenever.

And if they aren’t upgrades over the items he got from doing M+, then doesn’t that answer the bloody question lmao.

I did the first 3 slots that had domination gems in them. Feel free to move the slots around however you want. The results will barely change, and certainly will not reflect some massively noticable, 10% damage difference.

The fact of the matter is is that regardless of what combination you run, it is nowhere near the dropoff you are crying about it being. There are no statistics to back that up. There is nothing but you moaning on the general forums.

Good job skipping 90% of the post though. Same thing you do every time you lose an argument lmao

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You seem to do a lot of work to avoid admitting you said something stupid.

That’s because I haven’t said anything stupid.

You’re the one deflecting and making terrible arguments to the point you’re embarrassing yourself.

Imagine hiding on a classic alt and thinking you’re actually good at the game :joy:

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Because you’re just whining about nonsense. Nobody cares if it is beneficial to play two modes of content at the start of the patch. It’s always going to be better in the short-term to play both raids and M+. That’s obvious. It has to be that way. If it isn’t, there’s a problem.

But what you’re not understanding here is the difference between long-term vs short-term. Nobody actually cares about a short-term disadvantage. PvPers need to raid to get the highest ilvl in the short-term but as long as their PvP gear is BIS at the end of the season they’re happy. Nobody actually cares if a Mythic Raider goes and gets a Changeling or whatever, so long as the raid has good trinkets and weapons in the long run.

PvPers got their wish because Blizzard has nerfed the ever-living %%%% out of dom sockets in PvP. The one gem that was even somewhat good just got nerfed again. Raiders have their wish because BIS raid gear comes almost entirely from the raid. M+ is the one game pillar left in the dog-house.

It’s simply a fact.

You know what, I’ll bite.

Lets pretend that somebody just has access to 252 Domintion sockets without any Mythic experience, so instead of replacing the 252 Mythic+ pieces they have, we just snap our fingers and those pieces magically have domination sockets on them

Gear Compare - Atrumn - 8,026 DPS - Raidbots

Its literally identical. He can grind out his Korthia sockets and have the same DPS gain as if he farmed out 252 Domination gear.

You’re absolutely clueless. Most specs have atleast one bis trinket in mplus.

No ones full bis comes from the only avenue they play.

So you’re just making stuff up now, huh?

Raiders have their wish because BIS raid gear comes almost entirely from the raid.

the only gear this applies to is domination gear and the Mythic KT/Sylvanas gear (which very few guilds have access to) which is only BIS in the raid and nowhere else. Everything else, you have an equal or better upgrade from the weekly vault. Even valor trinkets are better in many, many cases.

I provided stats, sims, examples, datapoints, and armory references. That’s not whining. Those are called facts

What you are doing has no substance to it. You’re just complaining that you don’t get more gear despite being = iLvl to me. Not sure what else I can do for you.

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