WoW killed itself for raiders over 7 years

I think the better question is why does it matter?

Why did “solo content is more difficult than group content” even get introduced to this conversation?

The topic of discussion is gearing in instanced content. There isn’t any important solo instanced content.

So, why are you bringing up solo content?

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You are the one that brought up low ilvls. I didn’t play legion but from my friends that did they were not particularly difficult. Certainly not compared to something like timing +20s for example or a mythic end boss.

The fact that you need to go back like 4 years to find something to try and compare is also pretty telling Imo

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Currently though, most raid gear is unequivocally superior to m+ gear. Sure, raiders will run keys to temporarily fill in gear gaps while still progressing, or a few specs might try to get a lucky trinket upgrade from vault, but m+ gear isn’t giving you an unfair advantage over players who exclusively raid. Whereas, the opposite is not true, and therein lies the problem.

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Exactly, and what I said originally above would mean raiders wouldn’t have to run dungeons if they didn’t want to. Raiding could be its own progression path.

Every spec has atleast one bis trinket from mplus.

The only slots that are superior raid wise over mplus is dom socket slots if equal ilvl.

The same way tier gear used to be.

Great points here.

That I have to go back 4 years to bring up an example of well crafted non-raid pve content is telling indeed.

Not mine…

That raiders would praise? They’ve done nothing but try to appease casuals with content they can do everyday.

Wouldn’t disagree. Though, it’s not as if you need raid gear to complete KSM or even +20’s.

I’m on board with instanced content dropping bis gear for that particular brand of instanced content, but acting as if you absolutely have to raid in order to succeed in m+ is untrue.

M+ is kind of a joke this season according to most until you start hitting the low/mid 20’s

Mythic plus. Pvp stuff that I don’t do so Idk but I heard that’s good in Shadowlands

Then You’re the exception not the rule.

Even then phial is still top4.

I wasn’t the one who brought it up. The other guy did by saying group content is always harder than nongroup (i.e. solo) content, when that’s obviously not true.

I’ve heard that everything other than raids in Shadowlands sucks.

Some battles aren’t really worth engaging. If something’s irrelevant, say as much and move along imo. Forums are a bottomless pit if you get sidetracked so easily :smiley:

Yeah, the shards aren’t really that big of a deal. Just feels bad knowing I could be doing 5% or so more dps with them. I could also be doing about 15% more dps from having BiS weapon and trinket from raid. So ~20% difference total.

Plus, running this season as feral, exclusively via pugs, any advantage is a welcome one, even in the 15-20 range.

Yea but you also saw me write that I was curious as to why people thought the game would change after 16 years and interpreted that as me saying it should be raid or die so forgive me if I “question your comprehension” of what people mean

You clearly don’t realize that the difficulty in group content isn’t just the actual raid. It’s the organization required.

So yes organized raid content is harder than mage tower. The only raid content that mage tower was harder than is LFR.

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I am only here because it’s a slow day at work and battling this bottomless pit of what I assume to be sweaty tryhards is mildly entertaining and makes the time go by.

And yes, that was partly an ad hominem statement. In before the other guy here who is so concerned with great justice has a coronary infarction. But no, it won’t win the the argument, just to be clear.

Yeah I do because I have been a guild leader and a raid leader. And yes, managing a bunch of manchildren with ego issues is challenging.

But the vast majority of players have been neither a guild leader nor a raid leader. So in most instances, other than mythic raiding, server first raiding, or high level keys (all of which is done by a small minority of players) group content is not that hard. Just show up and do what you are told to do by other smarter and better players that have already figured it out for you.