WoW killed itself for raiders over 7 years

Lol projecting even more are we?

Pro tip, no one believes you.

I never said anything about normal or heroic raiding. Why do you keep reaching for topics that aren’t being discussed?

We get it youre unable to refute multiple people’s points and now you’re just deflecting.

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I didn’t get much more than “your opinion is bad” out of your posts other than the juggling gear problem, which I addressed and is easily solvable through the UI as I pointed out.

Other than that, you haven’t said much other than ad hominem type stuff and trying to coordinate with others to help you fight your little battle here.

Curious then, that everyone pushing high keys are all using raid gear.

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You think the open world content is the best designed content in Shadowlands?

Is this a joke?



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I think they obviously put the most time into it.

Also have you addressed this yet?

Man your so blinded by your hate of raiders. You know raiders hate that stuff right? They literally want to log on and raid. Blizzard put in these stupid infinite grinds after mop/wod. They realized they couldn’t produce content fast enough (mop the last patch was like a year long). Blizzard came up with this to try and keep people subbed instead of putting out content. It’s content outside that everyone from a raider to a casual is supposed to be free to do for power increases.

So no. This is Blizzard trying to find a way to stop bleeding subs. Nothing else. Everyone dislikes.

I mean have you seen casuals whinnning? Everyone whines. That’s the forums for ya. So again no point here.

The point is Blizzard doesn’t listen to anyone. That’s why the game is where it is. They have litteraly said “you think you do, but you don’t”. Stop blaming your fellow players. Blizzard tried to design content for everyone without actually listening to any of us.

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Still stand by this? Even when it is easily demonstrably false as I pointed out above?

That’s because you can’t refute them.

Which I refuted won’t happen because 1 gear is a major cornerstone of an mmo and 2 having to independently farm 6 gear sets is a dumb idea.

Ironic because that’s what you have resorted too multiple times when faced with points you can’t refute.

I simply asked for your mains name to check your credibility and you’re refusing to post it which is a red flag.

Not coordinating with anyone. That people are agreeing with me should maybe make it click in your head your ideas aren’t as good as you think they are.

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But you haven’t. All you have said is mage tower at low ilvl. Get to ilvl 170 then go do normal raid with a full raid at 170. Then provide logs

You are literally calling out to other posters to agree with you and pile on.

Actually I’m adding to their points because of how you’re coming off.

You legit said I have nothing but ad hominem attacks and then assumed you make more money than me in the next sentence lol.

When? They haven’t called out I just don’t like hypocrisy hence

Do you honestly normal raiding is harder than mage tower?

Do you honestly think normal raiding is hard for that matter?

This is approaching joke level right now.

Did it win me the argument?

Simple question. A yes or no will do.

Obviously the answer is no so it proves my point that you quoted.

I never said I never make ad hominem attacks.

Go ahead read it all again. I’ll wait.

If you can’t fight your own battles…

Of course not. normal raiding is reduculously easy. But if we compare apples to apples and do it at “low item level” then anything can be hard. Like I said if you disagree I would love to see the logs of s raid at 170 clearing normal sanctum

Dungeons and raids have historically been intertwined. If you look at most mythic raiders, you’ll also see a lot of dungeon activity. Mythic raiders run dungeons in addition to running raids.

You can’t fairly make the argument that it’s unfair that a dungeon player has to raid when the reverse is also true.

Normal is easy at the current general ilevel it is offered. Mage tower was not, except on certain specs. So there’s that.

But again, the bigger point here is that your buddy, snozm or whatever, said something to the effect of group content is ALWAYS harder than solo content.

It’s not.

Anyone who thinks so is wrong.

I have literally refuted everything you said.

I know you’re struggling to take a win but you really haven’t said anything with any credibility.

We know you’re lying through your teeth about your “accomplishments” because you won’t actually post on your main.