WoW killed itself for raiders over 7 years

I mean he’s entitled to his opinion either way. Just a difference of finding that opinion having any weight.


Very fair. Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to care about the gearing systems of instanced content if you don’t actually engage in that instanced content

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I think he had to go feed his cat in a hurry or something. Seems awfully quiet all of a sudden.

Did it win me the argument?

What was it kibble or wet food? =)

All of these raiders are so delusional and pampered that they don’t even realize, or can’t fathom to admit, that WoW is a raid or die game right now. We call that cognitive dissonance.

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Just reminds me of a guy I saw in wrath running 71 talents in the sub tree. I messaged him saying something like “hey the default build is xyz and you would probably perform better” and he just responds with “I have been playing since beta I know what I’m doing”.

Ironic considering this expansion is the least “raid or die” expansion in the games history.

Also shadowlands the Best gearing path in 9.0 was pvp gear and mplus.

Now it’s just mplus.
Imagine being that delusional.

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Is what way are mythic raiders looked after by bliz? The stuff that mythic raiders do to perform at a high level is crazy. Iv got a couple of CE kills and seriously cbf doing it again so I just do m+ on my own terms these days. Blizzard makes the extra rubbish mythic raiders so worse every patch

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How so? As a pvp’er I don’t feel the need to set foot into pve content.

KSM is a joke this season. You certainly don’t need to raid to get it, and look! You have it.

So I’m not following.


I did all those things, so you can believe or not. Only the Proven Assailant title is provable any way. So, I guess you will just have to suffer in ignorance and disbelief.

But the bigger point here is that solo content can easily be harder than group content and often is. I was just giving personal examples but it doesn’t take a genius to know that.

Any scale of content can be hard or easy depening on how you design it.

Raiding for the most part, is not that hard unless you are doing server first raiding or are the raid leader or the guild leader. If you are dps #11 who is just going through the steps that someone else figured out is not rocket science.

Quick, what’s the best designed and well made content in the game right now?

Ardenweald, revendreth, bastion and maldraxus. 4 stunning zones.

But to your point. Yes the raid is well made. It is also well mad on heroic, normal and lfr. So like I said… in what way are mythic raiders catered to?

See, cognitive dissonance :rofl:

This really isn’t a hill you need to climb and certainly don’t need to die on.

Team content by its very nature requires that you master your own play and work in tandem with x additional people, who also need to master their own play. Fundamentally it will always be the more difficult form of content, provided the level of external difficulty is comparable.

May not be hard individually, but if you have to carry bad players, it becomes much harder.

This seems off topic and I’m not sure why you’re bringing it up, honestly.

Like I said, put up or shut up, or divert the conversation back to your initial points


Yet I’m the one living in reality.

Pvp gear was nerfed in pve content in 9.1 because of it being the best gear path for pve and pvp.

Now the best route to gear up is mplus.

Nothing of what you said is actually true.

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Not even close

If you haven’t noticed they always bring up random points when they can’t refute the points you make.

He asked me why his system of having each node have its own gear was bad.

I have him three detailed reasons and he ignored them completely.

I am glad to know the things I’ve done are absurdly hard to believe. That must mean they were pretty hard to achieve.

But back to the point is that if you think normal and heroic raiding is as hard as mage tower on certain specs at a low ilevel then you probably don’t understand the game as well as you think you do.

Shards, mostly. I just came back a few weeks ago, so I haven’t started pushing high keys, but I know how much nicer it’d be to have some of those shards (not the set bonus, obviously). I know at around 19-20 a few % difference in dps (or hps or mitigation for healers and tanks, respectively) will be impactful… i.e., it will affect the outcome of some keys.

And while trying to get back up to speed talking to other players pushing high keys, and looking at their setup, I have yet to come across any who aren’t using raid gear.