WoW killed itself for raiders over 7 years

Like I said, if that’s how you want to read it then go for it :+1:

Definitely agree here. The “zoomer” mentalilty where everything should be a race to get geared up for raiding “which is the real content” is a big poblem in WoW.

Because gear customization is a huge part of MMOs. It’s why templates failed.

Having to maintain separate gear sets would be exhausting.

To min max you would need

St set
Multi target set

Mythic plus
St set
Multi target set

Pvp arena gear set
Pvp bg set

That’s 6 gear sets for a single spec. It’s a dumb idea.

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I don’t fundamentally take issue with instanced content dropping gear that is best suited for that instanced content.

I’d agree that m20+ Dungeon players should have better dungeon gear than mythic raiders, and vice versa

PvP already has this style of gearing, and for instanced content, I think it works very well. I’m glad I don’t have to pve to equip the best gear.

I think this would also bridge the gap between world gear and instanced gear. If the instanced content gear has a lower ilvl that is on par (I still think it should be a bit higher, but not overtly so) with world gear in the open world, and a higher level in its respective instance, I think world players would feel more comfortable.

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So basically, now you want one aspect of the game to provide bis gear for the rest of the game.

But you said the opposite above.

Can you please review your posts, get your story straight, and stop outright contradicting yourself?

That might be a reasonable compromise. I would be willing to see how that goes.

But why not just create compelling open world content and fully reward it rather than acting like it’s always just for stupid people and offer them table scraps in terms of both content quality and rewards appropriate for what they are doing?

I’m ignoring it because it’s not a valid question.

My stats as a fire mage don’t change. In pve I stack haste vers and in pvp I stack haste vers.

Whichever piece gives me the best Int haste vers your s my bis piece.

Fire mages current bis trinket is the pvp badge with int on use.

So like I keep repeating, you have zero clue how the current game works which is why you post on a classic toon and refuse to link your mains name.

Because as soon as it gets remotely challenging people complain. Eg nazjatar. I’m not saying people should complain I’m saying it’s a fact that they do.

Nazjatar had everything going for it. Legendary story zone. New and beautiful scenery. Complex things to discover and unlock. Gear rewards and its own built in progression system for solo players.
But no, “too hard omg bliz nerf now or I quit!”

That would be implied, yes.

While instanced content is more skill-based (always will be), and therefore it’s my favorite content, I’m always in favor of making the world more engaging

No where at all did I say that.

I said all gear should interchanged. If you get a top optimized ring from mplus and a trinket from pvp you should Be able to use them in all content.

Bis gear doesn’t come only from the raid.

I haven’t contradicted myself once. You clearly don’t comprehend what I am saying because you lack understanding of the game.

Because group content will always be harder and should always reward better loot.

The issue you keep having is people think they should do the easy content and get the same reward as the harder content.

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I just don’t believe ad hominem attacks win arguments Snozm. I could post who I am in real life and I likely make a lot more money than you but that doesn’t mean my points are more valid.

Like I said above, I am sorry you disagree with my ideas.

Your opinions are just as valid as mine. But they are still just opinions. If you think you have some special understanding of the game then I guess all I can say is good for you.

This isn’t an argument. You’re showing a complete lack of understanding of the game.

You’re also a hypocrite lol.

I didn’t ask who you are in real life. I want to see who your main is to check your credibility. If you play poorly in all content then no you don’t really have a valid opinion.

If you parse greats and greens in heroic/normal and can’t time anything higher than a plus 2 key and can’t break 1209 arena rating then no you don’t have a valid opinion at all.

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Paladin mage tower on all specs performed at a low ilevel as I did as well as getting proven assailant title on my paladin as I did as well as being 2nd ranked north american warlock on wowprogress on proving grounds during wod as I did (all solo content) was way harder than 99% of all the group content I have ever done in wow, other than when I was doing server first raiding.

I’m just going to leave this here then…

What changed in the last 37 minutes? Lol

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From snoz’s perspective, you just shot yourself in the foot with this one

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So what’s your mains name?

You can claim things till the sun goes down but it means absolutely nothing.

As far as I’m concerned you’re a vastly underperforming player that doesn’t understand how the game works making absurd claims thinking it gives you credibility.

Hey guys I have 7 World first raid kills. You can trust me I’m a world first Raider. /s


Lol he said that and then the next sentence is like “I probably make more money than you”

If that isn’t projecting I dont know what is.

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I just think if you’re going to take the time to write out all of your achievements, simply take less time to log on over and flex the achievements.

“Just trust me” doesn’t really fly around here.

Personally I don’t care. Your opinion is your opinion, but if you’re going to entertain the conversation regarding your credentials, put up or shut up