WoW killed itself for raiders over 7 years

then help him - if you remember the conversation - name the person who said it

You’re the one making the claim. Provide the source.

I’m not talking about your mystery quote, I’m talking about his talking points being correct.

Red herring bad mmkay.

you made a claim too - I don’t see any proof from you - you just told me I was taking a post out of context without considering you don’t know the post/thread I am talking about.

what talking points ? all he is doing is claiming what I saw didn’t happen.

Seems to be more then that, but I mean hey, guess I shouldn’t have high hopes for your reading skills. It’s GD after all.

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dude - you came into the middle of a conversation that had nothing to do with that

no it doesn’t - he was replying to someone else - I didn’t even read that post.

Seeing as it was just posted, sure it does.

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This conversation stems from an issue of multiple gear sets which triggered you, multiple gearing sets being required was part of his talking points, therefore his points are very much relevant, as much as you would like to pretend they are not.

Also, plot twist, you editing to respond won’t let you hide from me :blush:

How to get a bunch of upvotes in GD:

Make a post crying about some conspiracy that blizzard favors the “elite”.

Guess it’s easier to blame players than it is to blame blizzard


no the conversation didn’t stem from that - you come back when you have read everything. otherwise don’t waste my time.

what the heck 

Yes I did.

Your memory works good enough for you I works good enough for me.

I also never claimed they were the same posts. I said your doing the exact same thing other people did on the post I remembered.

So post it.

Rev here pretty much already said it.

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I have read everything, and you are having some major issues comprehending what has transpired, which is unfortunate.

What the heck indeed! Why hide from me, when we can have so much fun.

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Rev for the people’s champ.

Something we agree on.

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how am I hiding from you?

I am the one who made a statement - the first troll was the one that said the post I was thinking of didn’t mean what I said.

you are the one with comprehension issues.

in any case, both of you are wasting my time. In fact, I am wondering if you aren’t actually the same troll just switching alts.

anyway I am putting this thread on mute because you will waste my entire morning since you don’t appear to have anything better to do.

Lol when proven wrong on multiple points you then flock to the conspiracy theories.

My lock is still on alliance and all of my toons have the name Snoz in them

This is false. It actually increases in raid, as gear is shared between raid members in addition to to the personal vault. M+ players just have the vault. If it fails, that’s it.

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Hmm we’ve been over this.

Oh you made a statement? Wow oh dang if only I had known. Oh master, forgive me.

Couldn’t agree more.

Talking points from a losing apologist, ladies and gentlemen.

 What you are saying is the game should be dumbed down for casual players and to heck with the players who want a challenge. Raiding and PvP are the only parts of this game for many of us that is even fun. If you do not like to raid or PvP why do you even want gear that is close to what raiders and PvPers get you don’t need it.

This might actually be the dumbest post I have ever seen on here. None of this is based in any kind of fact.