Yeah and 25 was changes to 20. And wasn’t 10m harder than 25 cause they didn’t adjust mechanics requiring so many actions? Like wyrm breaker took the same number of kicks as 25
They just kept putting obstacles in the way of Mythic raiding and eventually you realize you are spending more time doing activities you hate rather than the part of the game you want to play.
You say you know what actually F this game…and you step off the hamster wheel and realize you are free.
I used to love raiding. Might end up back there since they butchered pvp. back to full blown scaling. They have to many systems. pvp will never be pure. It was close in s1 but I hope they put all their eggs into the raiding gearing and content this next season. if we have a next season.
I dont know they seem pretty proud of themselves they slapped timers on dungeons and called it mythic+. raiding content has probably gone down since then.
You say that yet solo players already have access to heroic level gear and they still arent happy.
The amount of posts by solo players complaining about Korthia and the heroic gear it gives for free is evidence enough you wont be happy without bis gear for no effort.
Korthia gear is by all means Normal (current max 226, eventually 233 max) and without shard slots at that, so in performance it falls below equivalent raiding gear by at least 10 item levels when in the Maw.
Heroic is 239/246.
Straw man argument if I ever saw one.
Most casual players would never ask for current season max item level and could care less about every slot having optimal secondary stats. (But being able to obtain as many competitive pieces as possible, so that we can choose secondary stats if item level is the same, would be ideal.)
All gear in Korthia is very RNG dependent, even with daily quests, so you cannot really target what gear you get and how long it will take. The problem is not that I do not want to put forth effort, it is that Korthia is not the kind of effort I think players should be expected to make as a primary source of gearing.
This proves you are a troll. No one with Korthia gear does no effort. In fact fully upgraded korthia gear takes more effort than i suspect you could ever give. Far more than any raid.